Out w/Injury, Missed My Vacation:?


Well-Known Member
Whoa! Turns out that my doctor cleared me a couple of weeks ago for light duty rtw. I was with him when he completed the assessment form but neither heard nor saw the word “cleared.” My wrist is getting much better, but it still hurts.

Doc sort, here I come.

Just to check if a case is feasible, I’m meeting next week with a personal injury lawyer.


Well-Known Member
I can count on one hand how many I've seen in over 18 years.

I have seen two, the others have gone 180 minimum before being bid. The two put out for bid after 45, the couriers both decided to retire rather than bid elsewhere. Two of those open for 180 were just put up, one route got a few bids, the other none, so it's going to go back up as an internal upgrade.


Well-Known Member
Heading in this afternoon for light duty. The corporate family leave policy person said she’s sending me a letter outlining my limitations. Wants me to sign and return it. How thoughtful! Otherwise I may have never known my limits and restrictions.