Outbid by someone with less seniority


Pineapple King
What does BOG mean? Since I'm simple-minded
BOG=Bubble of Goodness. It's a mystical place we hear about from time to time from a fairy called UpstateNYUPSER who also is known as Dave. He is all knowing and considers most(if not all)simple-minded. Be very cautious of what he teaches as it would get most(if not all)terminated. Just not in the BOG.


Livin the cardboard dream
We had a guy out on disability who lost a route to someone with less seniority. It was shot down at center level. You can't expect UPS to call everyone on disability or on vacation. Some hubs can have hundreds of people off at one time. I'd be more upset at my fellow drivers for not sending a text or a quick call.


Well-Known Member
sounds like something they would do...if they post a feeder school sheet that you signed after the one while you were on vacation...then you can attempt to grieve...but this is for a school and they can basically DQ for any reason...talk to your Feeder Shop steward and Business Agent to see if they will help if you file


That’s Craptacular
BOG=Bubble of Goodness. It's a mystical place we hear about from time to time from a fairy called UpstateNYUPSER who also is known as Dave. He is all knowing and considers most(if not all)simple-minded. Be very cautious of what he teaches as it would get most(if not all)terminated. Just not in the BOG.
Well said, Johney! :goodpost:


Retired 23 years
You must be a real a-hole, not even your friends tell you about a bid sheet posted?

I wouldn't have been that hard on the OP but at my old center the only ones you could rely on were your friends to tell you about a newly posted bid. As with everything else what goes on at one center don't happen nation wide. I would bet VERY few centers have management who actually notify those on vaca or out on comp about a new bid posting. Post it--take it down and award it (if they feel like it) is more like what actually goes on.


Active Member
Sorry for taking so long to update the situation, But they ended up taking 3 more names from the list. I was next in line so everything worked out for me. Thanks for all advice, good and bad. Now if you excuse me I'm gonna get back to drinking and camping here at the Bristol race.


Well-Known Member
Also signing a bid sheet is your responsibility even if you're on vacation. When bid sheets go up management is supposed to notify the union about them. That way you can call your steward and ask them to put your name on a bid sheet when you're on vacation.

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What about the 10 business day window for filing grievances in general, do vacations not matter?