Oz Nelson Passed


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
DIAD 1 was great for keeping dogs at bay. Who still has the silver metal clasp that was used to hold the paper delivery records to the clipboard as well as cut off the NDA/2DA tags shown in the picture? Write the time of delivery and name of consignee on the tags and hand in a fist-full of them back at the center for someone to key enter into the basic tracking system (that I think Oz put into place).

…also mad squirrels 🐿🐿️….


Well-Known Member
Oz paid for a drink or two for me one time at a Union/Company meeting. I think I made him pay for a hotel room, too. There are dram laws in my home state.


Gone Fish'n
Quit holding on to this company. No one gives a :censored2: about what happened years ago. It’s a literal cash grab as this point, loyalty is gone, from top to bottom. Everyone that’s been here any amount of time and hasn’t left is looking for an exit.

Once I leave this place, anyone asking how I liked it, I’ll respond, it fed my family and afforded me a good life.

It’s a job to me, and thanks to negotiated benefits from the IBT, has afforded a life I can live in comfort after putting up with this bull:censored2: that’s being piled on after going public.


nowhere special
Man that first DIAD must of weighed 9 pounds . It was good for fighting off bad dogs. I can remember getting out the PC and a dog came charging at me from 2 houses over . I hit him on the bridge of his nose with the DIAD and did he howled. I saw that dog quite a few times after that and when he saw me he when the other way . I guess I gained his respect .
I think DIAD 1 was more like 5 pounds. Still a brick.