Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
She called for ending support to Israel.
She has sided with the terrorist state.
“As part of achieving a just and lasting peace, we must do our part to stop this violence and trauma by ending U.S. government support for Israeli military occupation and apartheid.”

Reading comprehension. She did not say she supports ending all U.S. support for the state of Israel. She believes things like the lockdown of Gaza and the human rights issues that come with that are wrong and not something we should support.


Inordinately Right
“As part of achieving a just and lasting peace, we must do our part to stop this violence and trauma by ending U.S. government support for Israeli military occupation and apartheid.”

Reading comprehension. She did not say she supports ending all U.S. support for the state of Israel.
Same thing.
Spin it however you want leftie.


Well-Known Member
“As part of achieving a just and lasting peace, we must do our part to stop this violence and trauma by ending U.S. government support for Israeli military occupation and apartheid.”

Reading comprehension. She did not say she supports ending all U.S. support for the state of Israel. She believes things like the lockdown of Gaza and the human rights issues that come with that are wrong and not something we should support.
She likens Israeli actions to South African apartheid. In other words don't separate these people from you, incorporate them into your society. You do know there are over a million Israeli Muslims? These are people who embrace peace and support their country. The reason people are jammed into the Gaza Strip and the West Bank is they are people who refuse to recognize the right of Israel to exist and want to destroy it. To drive the Jews into the sea as the P.L.A. used to say. Even now after Hamas entered into Israel and shot Israelis in their homes, killing over a thousand, liberals here are wringing their hands over retaliation by the Israelis in Gaza. You put down the efforts the Trump administration made to get peace agreements between Israel and Arab states. Were you cheering for Hamas the last few days?


nowhere special
She likens Israeli actions to South African apartheid. In other words don't separate these people from you, incorporate them into your society. You do know there are over a million Israeli Muslims? These are people who embrace peace and support their country. The reason people are jammed into the Gaza Strip and the West Bank is they are people who refuse to recognize the right of Israel to exist and want to destroy it. To drive the Jews into the sea as the P.L.A. used to say. Even now after Hamas entered into Israel and shot Israelis in their homes, killing over a thousand, liberals here are wringing their hands over retaliation by the Israelis in Gaza. You put down the efforts the Trump administration made to get peace agreements between Israel and Arab states. Were you cheering for Hamas the last few days?
None of the other Arab countries want the troublemakers in Gaza in their own countries.


All Trash No Trailer
I don't.
Thanks for being clear that you can't follow a simple conversation without getting confused.


Well-Known Member
Bush is my Congressperson. I saw her call for the ending of support for Israel in hopes that stepping back will force the two parties to come to agreement faster.

I don’t agree with her on this point necessarily. Lots of assumptions from her.

I do not believe for a second she “hates Jews”.

She's openly anti-semitic. Like many, many Democrats......your for.....

C'mon anything liberal....liberals act like it isn't happening or so partisan and sense of reality......there is no difference than the genocide of WW2 such is the hate of the democrat party/muslims(same)/communist sympathizers.