Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)


Strength through joy
I know many have posted that Iran hasn't gotten that cash yet.
But look at it from this angle; Iran knows that they can get it for non military reasons, so why not divert their funds away from that and spend the diverted funds on supporting Hamas.
Actually that makes more sense.


Well-Known Member
I know many have posted that Iran hasn't gotten that cash yet.
But look at it from this angle; Iran knows that they can get it for non military reasons, so why not divert their funds away from that and spend the diverted funds on supporting Hamas.
Actually that makes more sense.
Correct!!! But liberals refuse to understand that.


Inordinately Right
That's not the point. The point is you guys are claiming Iran has/had the money, already used it to buy missiles and equipment and gave them to Hamas for this attack.
When can we expect an announcement from the Biden administration that they will not be releasing the 6 billion to Iran?


Well-Known Member
That's not the point. The point is you guys are claiming Iran has/had the money, already used it to buy missiles and equipment and gave them to Hamas for this attack.
They did give money to Hamas for the attack. Biden basically gave Iran a 6 billion dollar credit line that they are "supposed" to only spend for humanitarian reasons.... I hope you're smart enough to understand that Iran just moved funds around. This attack is no coincidence
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Next Day Err

Well-Known Member

She's openly anti-semitic. Like many, many Democrats......your for.....

C'mon anything liberal....liberals act like it isn't happening or so partisan and sense of reality......there is no difference than the genocide of WW2 such is the hate of the democrat party/muslims(same)/communist sympathizers.
Huh, I didn’t know she was openly antisemitic. Is she?

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
As convenient as the $6 billion fungible money story is to the right-wing, first there must be evidence that Iran helped Hamas and that Iran spent money fully expecting to be able to move the new money into the place of the old budgeting.

Burden of proof, folks. Let’s take a breath. $6 billion is a lot of money except it’s not like Iran couldn’t sponsor terror before this money. Plus, it’s still sitting in the bank.

Let’s relax and not be stupid about this.


Well-Known Member
As convenient as the $6 billion fungible money story is to the right-wing, first there must be evidence that Iran helped Hamas and that Iran spent money fully expecting to be able to move the new money into the place of the old budgeting.

Burden of proof, folks. Let’s take a breath. $6 billion is a lot of money except it’s not like Iran couldn’t sponsor terror before this money. Plus, it’s still sitting in the bank.

Let’s relax and not be stupid about this.
Or we could just use common sense. Hamas got the money from somewhere. Hamas has issued statements that Iran has aided them.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Or we could just use common sense. Hamas got the money from somewhere. Hamas has issued statements that Iran has aided them.
Right. But Iran didn’t just start being a state sponsor of terror since they think they have $6 billion coming for humanitarian purposes. They’ve been a state sponsor of terror for a long time. We can’t logically lay this at any one president or other leader’s feet until we know more.