Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
I'm not the least bit surprised.
She sided with terrorists and you sit here defending her. Because you agree with her.

Carry on.
I think she had a nuanced take on some level in her formal statement. I don't agree with her as a matter of national security/national interests but do agree with her on humanitarian grounds. It's a :censored2:ty situation. We are hypocrites in this country but that's the way it needs to be. That's the hard truth I'm willing to acknowledge.

We can't both wag our finger at China and Saudi Arabia and not acknowledge Israel's treatment of the poor people in the Gaza Strip.


Inordinately Right

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member

I mean at least now you're admitting that the person you voted for is on the side of terrorists.

It's a good start.

Carry on.
You know how I voted?

She is taking a broad humanitarian view but a view that doesn’t take into consideration our national security interests to a satisfactory degree. I don’t believe she wants Hamas to not be held accountable for these attacks.

I just don’t think her view is realistic from a national security and national interests perspective.


Well-Known Member
Bush called for the the end of US support for Israel. It's in her official statement

Only if you selectively parse her words to suit your false claim. She doesn't call for the wholesale end of US support for Israel.
