Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)


Well-Known Member
What don't these Muslim countries want those from Gaza? They don't want terrorists blowing things up .
That is correct the Palestinians are pawns the Arab nations are using to blame Israel, knowing they would do the same thing to the Palestinians the Israelis are doing because if they don’t, their cities and their countries will be destroyed just like Lebanon was by the PLO


Well-Known Member
That is correct the Palestinians are pawns the Arab nations are using to blame Israel, knowing they would do the same thing to the Palestinians the Israelis are doing because if they don’t, their cities and their countries will be destroyed just like Lebanon was by the PLO
electing hamas was the first democratic election in an arab nation. but it came out hte "wrong" way - hamas got elected.

the arab nations egypt, jordan, syria proposed in the 1970s at the UN the 2 state solution which i believe is backed by most of the world. israel didnt even attend. US vetoed it.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
its wrong to nuke civilians
Harry Truman would disagree.
I know bc hes a massive satanic terrorist
how many people did those 2 nukes kill?
How many lives did it save by ending WW2

'Hell To Pay' Sheds New Light On A-Bomb Decision : NPR

"Giangreco says that many Americans and Japanese lives were saved by avoiding a land invasion of Japan.

"It's astounding," he says. "While we were looking at some of our own casualty estimates, the Japanese military was doing much the same thing, and the figure of 20 million appears again and again."

Giangreco says just the number "20 million" is horrific — but he is most stunned by the casualness with which it was used by Japanese military leaders who felt that the loss of life was worth it."

H-057-1: Operations Downfall and Ketsugo – November 1945 (

"In late July 1945, the War Department provided an estimate that the entire Downfall operations would cause between 1.7 to 4 million U.S. casualties, including 400-800,000 U.S. dead, and 5 to 10 million Japanese dead. (Given that the initial Downfall plan called for 1,792,700 troops to go ashore in Japan, this estimate is indeed most sobering, and suggests many more troops than planned would need to be fed into a meat grinder).

Other estimates in the U.S. government indicated U.S. deaths at 500,000 to 1 million. Which of these and other estimates would be the most accurate has been hotly debated over the years (and are caught up in the debate about whether the atomic bomb should have been used), and I’m not going to solve it. But it is clear that the cost of invading Japan would have been staggering for both the U.S. and the Japanese."


Well-Known Member
Once again... Hamas and their supporters are considered terrorists and should be dealt with as such
the corrupt media, will call any enemy a terrorist, and any ally they will not use that term

but really if you think of a list of the worst countries in the world for terrorism its likely UK, USA, israel, saudi arabia, russia, china


Legio patria nostra
What a great deal Bumbling Biden will soon announce he was soooo instrumental in securing.
3 Arabs for 1 Israeli hostage; cease fire for 4-5 days.


On the 6th day, the IDF should execute every one of those :censored2:ing Arabs they let go and step up their efforts at leveling Gaza.

:censored2:ing Biden is a complete joke, imbecile and maroon.


Well-Known Member
What a great deal Bumbling Biden will soon announce he was soooo instrumental in securing.
3 Arabs for 1 Israeli hostage; cease fire for 4-5 days.


On the 6th day, the IDF should execute every one of those :censored2:ing Arabs they let go and step up their efforts at leveling Gaza.

:censored2:ing Biden is a complete joke, imbecile and maroon.
what do you mean levelling gaza

if you believe in exchanging hostage, then release the 2.3 million people trapped in gaza by israel and egypt!