Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)


Legio patria nostra


Well-Known Member
If welfare creates welfare babies. And welfare babies become future inmates. Wouldn't be true that Israel's treatment of Palestinians creates the violence?


Well-Known Member
If welfare creates welfare babies. And welfare babies become future inmates. Wouldn't be true that Israel's treatment of Palestinians creates the violence?
The Arabs were intent on killing Jews and driving them away for more than a century. Israel had an open society. How many buses were blown up, how many markets were blown apart? Israel put up their fence cutting off access and the Left started screaming. Israel tried to placate the Palestinians by removing Jewish settlers from the Gaza strip and completely turning over Gaza to Hamas. It wasn't enough. It's never enough. Numerous terrorist attacks on Jewish communities around the world. Why? This is never going to end.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
How do you far left extremists even find these tabloid rags? I bet you believe in bat boy and Elvis sightings.

Buddy, you've been radicalized by online media. You need to be deprogrammed, this isn't healthy.
Don't knock Bat Boy. They predicted he will win the presidency in 2028.


Well-Known Member
The Arabs were intent on killing Jews and driving them away for more than a century. Israel had an open society. How many buses were blown up, how many markets were blown apart? Israel put up their fence cutting off access and the Left started screaming. Israel tried to placate the Palestinians by removing Jewish settlers from the Gaza strip and completely turning over Gaza to Hamas. It wasn't enough. It's never enough. Numerous terrorist attacks on Jewish communities around the world. Why? This is never going to end

Nothing justifies killing. Looking at the treatment and loss of a homeland, war is what happens.
How Muslims behave around the globe is different from what's happening here.


Inordinately Right
OK just wipe them off the map. Non jews
Well they're beheading babies and raping their mothers so that sounds like a good plan to me.

I'm so tired of this leftist coexist tolerance BS.
I don't want to coexist with these people.
And neither do you, you're just okay with it because it's not currently your problem


Well-Known Member
I suppose you didn't listen to the PhD Jewish guy who has studied the issue for 40 years.
Terrorism against a civilian is unacceptable
Well they're beheading babies and raping their mothers so that sounds like a good plan to me.

I'm so tired of this leftist coexist tolerance BS.
I don't want to coexist with these people.
And neither do you, you're just okay with it because it's not currently your problem
Your :censored2: out of your mind about calling me a leftist. Jews and Muslims both hate Christians in that part of the world.


Well-Known Member
Avoiding WWIII is why a well thought out intelligent response is critical. Succure, rescue and if ever it was possible, a targeted strike.
You paper tigers are all in until you are asked to spill blood.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Avoiding WWIII is why a well thought out intelligent response is critical. Succure, rescue and if ever it was possible, a targeted strike.
You paper tigers are all in until you are asked to spill blood.
Secure is only possible if Hamas is destroyed. Rescue would be a miracle.