Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)

leftist coexist tolerance BS.
I don't want to coexist with these people.
And neither do you
you're right, I don't



Inordinately Right
Avoiding WWIII is why a well thought out intelligent response is critical. Succure, rescue and if ever it was possible, a targeted strike.
You paper tigers are all in until you are asked to spill blood.
What the hell are you even talking about.
I never suggested we should spill blood. I said Israel has a right to spill blood. And they should.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 449553
Nothing justifies killing. Looking at the treatment and loss of a homeland, war is what happens.
How Muslims behave around the globe is different from what's happening here.
No, it isn't. Many attacks on Jewish communities around the world were perpetrated by Palestinians.

Look at those graphs again and get it through your skull. Those Jewish communities grew to take over what is Israel because they were under constant attack by the Arabs and they came out on top and expanded their territory. They did to the Muslims what Muslims had been doing for a thousand years to many parts of the world. Most of that area was controlled by Christians with the Jewish Diaspora after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. Islam relentlessly attacked and eventually controlled the area. Lebanon used to be Christian but now it has a small Christian minority. I've met Lebanese whose family was driven out. There are Lebanese Christians all over Latin America whose families fled Lebanon. Ever hear of Constantinople? The capital of eastern Christendom. Today it's Istanbul, Muslim controlled.

The reason for all this turmoil? Islam demands its adherents make war on nonbelievers and either convert them, or make them subservient, or kill them. And our Left with its White guilt takes the side of anyone who lost out or is losing out to the West.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Thanks for being clear you support our mortal enemy Russia, as well as supporting a traitor running for president 👍
I support a President who extends a hand of friendship to our mortal enemies in order to begin a journey towards friendship and peace.

You libs just want to hate everyone. Losers!


Well-Known Member
What is amazing is that just by having a discussion it is assumed you condone what happened. Can anyone say dog whistle.
After what the world just went through with the covid nonsense.


Well-Known Member
What is amazing is that just by having a discussion it is assumed you condone what happened. Can anyone say dog whistle.
After what the world just went through with the covid nonsense.
You keep telling us the Palestinians are just acting out because of how they've been treated. We're saying there's two sides to the story. Your response: dog whistle!


Well-Known Member
No, it isn't. Many attacks on Jewish communities around the world were perpetrated by Palestinians.

Look at those graphs again and get it through your skull. Those Jewish communities grew to take over what is Israel because they were under constant attack by the Arabs and they came out on top and expanded their territory. They did to the Muslims what Muslims had been doing for a thousand years to many parts of the world. Most of that area was controlled by Christians with the Jewish Diaspora after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. Islam relentlessly attacked and eventually controlled the area. Lebanon used to be Christian but now it has a small Christian minority. I've met Lebanese whose family was driven out. There are Lebanese Christians all over Latin America whose families fled Lebanon. Ever hear of Constantinople? The capital of eastern Christendom. Today it's Istanbul, Muslim controlled.

The reason for all this turmoil? Islam demands its adherents make war on nonbelievers and either convert them, or make them subservient, or kill them. And our Left with its White guilt takes the side of anyone who lost out or is losing out to the West.
We are losing now right at our border. Muslims and jews are similar. You are projecting the hangover attitude of Christendom. Liberals are what destroyed it.

USS Liberty.


Strength through joy
'I can’t be sympathetic anymore. I can’t be sympathetic to animal human beings — well, they’re not really human beings — who came into my house, broke everything,' said Gomeh.

'Stole everything, took my children from their bedrooms and took them to the Gaza Strip.'


Strength through joy

An Israeli defense official told Channel 13 News that Gaza will become a 'tent city', as the country's defense minister said he has 'released all restraints'

'Hamas wanted a change and it will get one. What was in Gaza will no longer be,' he said, speaking to soldiers near the Gaza fence.

In the early hours of Wednesday, Israeli forces conducted 250 airstrikes in just one hour, said Fox News's Trey Yingst.


Well-Known Member
You mentioned history.
You have a protestant worldview and think it is correct. It is liberal.
I've been studying history for over 50 years. Tell me where I'm going wrong? You were just saying if you discuss something suddenly everyone thinks you condone that something. Sounds to me you're the one who's making assumptions.