Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
He said Israel needs to make peace with the fake nation calling itself Palestine, which is run by Hamas. He therefore called for peace with terrorists that want every Jew on the planet dead.
Ok, I’m sorry, I didn’t see where he had said that Israel needs to make peace with Hamas. My bad. Guess he did since you claim he did.


Well-Known Member
Again following the money. Trump admires Putin and has shown he has a big mouth and sticky fingers . He’s on record bragging to an Australian Billionaire on top secret details of US subs. There ia video evidence of him bragging to friends about the top secret documents he is sharing with them. He met with Russians in 2017, and it’s simply , based on his proven track record of braggadocio not outside the realm of probability he have gave or sold top secret information to the Russians.
You have absolutely no evidence of that. And meeting with Russians? It would be weird if an American president didn't meet with the Russian president.

If an American president did anything nefarious behind the scenes with the Russians it would've been Obama. He was caught on a hot microphone telling the figurehead Russian president to relay to Vladimir to be patient. Let him get through his last election first. I bet the Ukrainians know what Barack was referring to.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm. Who could have slipped Iran info?🤔
Newt Gingrich was talking about this guy. Said while leading our administration's negotiations with Iran he may have actually been working for the Iranians.


All Trash No Trailer
Yes it makes perfect sense!!!
Well done "following the money"
You're so smart!

These lefties have lost it.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Families of soldiers and soldiers themselves should have adequate reproductive healthcare in every state in the union to be able to be back at their jobs as quickly as possible. Tommy Tuberville’s religious beliefs don’t trump our country’s needs.
Make that PRE-reproductive health care, and I would say we might have some common ground to work with. Irresponsible sex is no excuse for murdering unborn humans.