Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)

The tweet says he called them weak.
If you heard that, then you need to see a shrink, because it's not in the video. You people just make crap up and no one in your radical extremist left wing bubble calls you on it.
Trump said they should “strengthen themselves up”. From what point do you strengthen yourself from?


Well-Known Member
They are not cutting babies heads off and raping holocaust survivors. Hamas is evil, no other way to spin it. Iran sponsors 100 percent of Hamas
if you kill civilians what difference does it make?

anddd Israel kills more civilians than palestine does because they got the budget

in addition its israels fault for occupying and colonizing palestine in the first place!


All Trash No Trailer
Biden is :censored2:ing this up like evrything else he gets involved with to get a few more votes.
- He sent Blundering Blinken over there to meet with Abbas, Palestinian president on Friday.
- He also re-offered the FBI "Top hostage negotiators" to aid Israel....

What kind of a :censored2:ing maroon is he??? Is he that stupid????

It's a shame that innocent muslims harbored Hamas/ISIS terrorists in Gaza, but...oh well.
He also sent Seal Team 6 as well as Delta Force to aid in recovering US hostages 👍


All Trash No Trailer
I love how leftists post a video and write commentary about it that is a complete lie.

It's like they know the other Democrats reading them are too stupid to even watch the video.
Only you would state using a video of trump speaking is a leftist lie. 🤣🤣 you are always entertaining if nothing else


Inordinately Right
Trump said they should “strengthen themselves up”. From what point do you strengthen yourself from?
So you believe your dear supreme leader was calling our military weak when he said this:

" strengthening our military is a priority for me and my administration. "

-president potato joe