Palestinian-Israel Conflict (War?)


Well-Known Member
Hamas was and is created by us intelligence agencies, along with Israeli intelligence agencies... Joe Biden funded them, Obama funded them
No doubt they've been given money, but if you think that Israel would stand for U.S. intelligence agencies creating monsters to constantly harass them you're deluded. Hamas and Hezbollah were created by extremist elements who thought Yasser Arafat was making too many compromises with the Israelis.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
No doubt they've been given money, but if you think that Israel would stand for U.S. intelligence agencies creating monsters to constantly harass them you're deluded. Hamas and Hezbollah were created by extremist elements who thought Yasser Arafat was making too many compromises with the Israelis.
I also said by Israel intelligence agencies, along with British. They are playing their own game and you are being drug along by their hook. I feel sorry for the citizens on both sides.


Well-Known Member
I also said by Israel intelligence agencies, along with British. They are playing their own game and you are being drug along by their hook. I feel sorry for the citizens on both sides.
Yah and Hamas killing and wounding almost 4000 people is all part of the grand scheme! Americans need condos and Gaza is prime beachfront property! Sometimes you just have to break some eggs to get progress!


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
No doubt they've been given money, but if you think that Israel would stand for U.S. intelligence agencies creating monsters to constantly harass them you're deluded. Hamas and Hezbollah were created by extremist elements who thought Yasser Arafat was making too many compromises with the Israelis.
Where does all of this advance training come from? Here I'll show you another video. Yet you still can't connect the dots..

Bro wake up. Obama was in office, remember. What did Joe Biden just get exposed of doing in Ukraine that year?? Wake up..


Well-Known Member
Where does all of this advance training come from? Here I'll show you another video. Yet you still can't connect the dots..

Bro wake up. Obama was in office, remember. What did Joe Biden just get exposed of doing in Ukraine that year?? Wake up..
It comes from the Iranians as does the weapons.


Strength through joy
if you kill civilians what difference does it make?

anddd Israel kills more civilians than palestine does because they got the budget

in addition its israels fault for occupying and colonizing palestine in the first place!
From what I have read , you are way off base.
Israel has no plans to colonize Gaza.
All that want is for Hamas to be gone and new leadership to take over.
Someone who will help the population thrive, not use them as human shields
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Well-Known Member
From what I have read , you are way off base.
Israel has no plans to colonize Gaza.
All that want is for Hamas to be gone and new leadership to take over,
Someone who will help the population thrive, not use them as human shields
Netanyahu just said all Hamas members will die. This is going to get pretty nasty because Hamas will use other Palestinians as shields. I don't think that stop Israel this time.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Oh good Lord.

It's a serious question.. who do you think could have modified these videos so quick?

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
So the tweet says he called them weak.
I said that's a lie.
You said no it's not.

Now you're saying he "implied" they were weak.
But you're okay with Biden saying the same thing about our military.

So you think our military is weak.
Yep, our military is stronger under Biden. We are out of a quagmire and now at a better state of readiness.


Polishing toilet bowls since 1966.
Netanyahu just said all Hamas members will die. This is going to get pretty nasty because Hamas will use other Palestinians as shields. I don't think that stop Israel this time.


The top gift card. Is probably an acceptable gift card to give your grand kids? I'm just guessing you'd give them one..
The bottom picture shows you the size of the plane that hit the Pentagon.

Here is the video. That was no plane. Wake up. Use your brain cells.



Strength through joy
Netanyahu just said all Hamas members will die. This is going to get pretty nasty because Hamas will use other Palestinians as shields. I don't think that stop Israel this time.
Once the ground war starts, it will become a scorched earth event.
The policy of devastating all land and buildings in the course of advancing or retreating troops so as to leave nothing salvageable to the enemy.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Context Israel, oops I mean natenyaho. Indiscriminately bombed residential areas with way more kids and innocent civilian. All because they lied to everyone about babies being be headed. Hypocrites, everyone that is okay with them bombing residential areas.
Hamas has and is using civilian residences and commercial buildings to launch their rocket attacks. Then they either expect Israel to not defend themselves or claim the moral high ground when the IDF pounds those targets resulting in civilian causualties. It’s a win-win for the terrorists.