Active Member
Yes that's correct. I'm talking about the new hires that are hired in now right before the contract, getting the GWI as well as the starting pay bump. They essentially go from $13 to $14 in year 2 or a dollar raise and then get GWI from year 3 on, everyone making $13 or more now will only get a 75 cent raise in year 2 and continue GWI as well. Dumb
Anybody that just got hired in the last couple months at $10, and will get their seniority in before the new contract takes effect, is going to get a pretty sweet deal! Not only will they get a $3 raise right away. They'll go from $10 --> $16.70 in 5 years! Basically, it looks like anybody who has less than 3 years seniority will all be paid the same throughout this whole contract.