Part-time sups do not need driving experience. In order to be considered for any management position, the employee must have or currently be *attempting to earn a degree. There are several people in management who do not have a degree and are "attempting" to earn their degree. They must be on the college for life plan...
As far as being a full-time sup, it is not required to have driving experience. This is mainly because there are several positions within management that are not apart of operations. I.E., BD, Safety, HR, TSG, etc..
It is highly suggested that an on-road supervisor, who's main responsibility is a group of drivers, have actual driving experience. However, even this rule can be bent to fit the needs of UPS. There are many in management who only drive for 30 days and some who drive for a year or two. Obviously, it would be helpful for any one pursing a management career in operations to have some experience in the operation that they are attempting to manage. Maybe that's why my on-road sup is clueless... he’s a former pt hub rat trying to manage a group of drivers