Hello Upstate NYUPSer...... thank you for the reference........but please know that my opinions are just that...opinions.. My comments about the Two-Tier possibility within the full-time driving ranks is based on talking with many other drivers and getting a sense of how they feel about various issues. I'm sure each Local and Region can vary in opinions on this subject. I'm from a time when I observed a major wage tier change in the part-time ranks.. Some of which are now referred to as "Red Circled".
I believed at the time that a two-tier wage scale had the potential to create a lot of problems (resentment, jealousy, etc.) between employees. While I believe that Unity is the essential backbone of any Union...... I just don't see it where I work. It is a ME world....and most people just don't seem to care about their fellow worker of workers in future generations..... Again.. I truly wish things were different...I'm just reporting my observations and experiences. There is NO AMOUNT of intimidation that can occur on this forum that will change reality.
UPS is a cold, lifeless entity (Corporation) much like the HAL 9000 of 2001 Space Odyssy or the Red Queen of Resident Evil (the Umbrella Corporation).......We are ALL (Management & Hourly) working for this entity that will ALWAYS strive to make profits regardless of emotion, job loss, cuts, etc.. In reality.....it is absolutely essential that UPS survives........so that we all can survive. The tricky part is sorting out the balance of those that both take and give to the existence of this entity. I believe there are a variety of "checks and balances" within UPS..... Eventually....the bad are eliminated.......but not without cost to innocent people. UPS fortunately has very deep pockets which enables it to make mistakes....and still survive... I am sure most of you here can point out times when UPS has been "Penny Wise....and Pound Foolish"...