You sound like you were one of the lucky part timers who worked a few yrs on the belt and walked right into a driving job. Their have been past contracts with 1.00,1.00, 1.10,1.20 raises and that was when the company wasnt making record profits. If part time pay was higher drivers would get better load quality no doubt. As it is right now UPS has trouble finding any quality workers at 8.50 an hour. Not only do full timers make $20 an hour more than alot of part timers they also get double the hours and ive heard from many driver that you part timers work harder than us.
Rudy has a great point here as does PT Car Washer.. from a labor management perspective, the corporate negotiation team has been doing the company a grave disservice by not raising starting pay since the 1980's. Attendance in my hub (especially in the inbound/outbound) is atrocious - a lot of kids simply don't want to put up with production harassment (especially in the summer months) for bull**** pay ($8.50/hr that gets bumped up to 12.87/hr after four years) and no benefits for a full year. Coupled with the wait to go full time (which is at least 15 years if the person is able to qualify for a CDL, significantly higher if they want a 22.3 position) it causes headaches for the company. The only thing that has driven down turnover at my hub is the awful job market - pre-2007, new hire turnover was well over 60%.
You get what you pay for.