Well-Known Member
We need Ryan's hard-line stance on deficit reduction.
Now you're talkin!He will be in 2016.
We need Ryan's hard-line stance on deficit reduction.
Now you're talkin!He will be in 2016.
We need Ryan's hard-line stance on deficit reduction.
Sure, after Ryan helped give Wall Street all of the money back that they stole from the system. Yeah, that's one hard line stance.
Ryan is a sacrificial lamb. The GOP knows they can't win in 2012, so they're tossing this turd into the fight and saving Christie and/or Jeb Bush for 2016, when Hilllary will send them back to Bible Camp. Mr. Magic Underwear is doomed, my friends, and his unwillingness to release those tax returns has sealed his fate like a Mormon Temple marriage. Better get Trump on the case.
You do realize that the CBO only rates what it is given. If you give them 2 + 2=....they will give you back the figure 4.
If you leave off the other numbers to be added, the answer 4 wouldn't be the whole picture, woud it?
CBO....garbage in, garbage out!!
Democrats will no doubt try to make Paul Ryan into a younger version of the devil they’ve tried to paint Mitt Romney as. Their liar and chief expects them to continue to conquer and divide the nation because this is the only tactic that they have. Certainly can’t run on your record of total destruction.
I was wondering what things the left would use to demonize Ryan.
The Romney/Ryan team was speaking in Mooresville, N.C. today........We had friends on Lake Norman in Mooresvile. It's a real big place for the NASCAR home offices of the different racing teams.
You doubt that the racing teams are headquartered in Mooresville ?????It's way too early to listen to lies.
I was wondering what things the left would use to demonize Ryan.
Notice to all the left hype and immediate attacks.
Paul is the VP candidate, not the Presidential candidate.
Paul represents what this current administration has not demonstrated.
You CAN NOT keep spending and spending on borrowed money from China.
Mr. Romney might not concur with all his ideas.
More to come I believe from Mr. Romney....
Why isn't Ryan at the top of the ticket?
We've borrowed over twice the amount of our debt from Social Security (Thanks, Ronnie) as we have from the Chinese. China owns about 8%. All the debt together owed to foreigners is less than half of we owe to ourselves. It sure sounds scarier to say the Chinese own us, though.
You get double points for fear mongering. Don't let facts shape your beliefs, fear is a better motivator.