Pee Pee story


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Can you blame the guy? The arrest as well as the termination are completely unjustified and uncalled for.


nowhere special
Can you blame the guy? The arrest as well as the termination are completely unjustified and uncalled for.

I could see him pissed when he found the camera. What I can't understand is how conveniently the memory card was found after he supposedly got rid of it. If I pulled that card it would never be found intact for sure.


Well-Known Member
employees have plenty time and breaks for those needs? lol if every single driver took their breaks and meal periods there would be about 1000 management heart attacks across the country that day!!!!


Well-Known Member
Someone should collect all the pee bottles put them in bio hazard packaging and next day air them to UPS corporate. With the Statement UPS drives do not urinate in back of PC cars.


Well-Known Member
Wow. Urinating in trucks-"No such thing takes place" LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

I've had numerous On-cars over the years during rides say to me "Don't you have a bottle" When I referenced that it was time to break off to use the restroom.


Well-Known Member
I recently started driving PC.
My trainer(on road supe) told me today.after I mentioned I had to pee something fierce (a few times) that he had a bottle in the back I could use.

I just replied "nah I can wait till we get to a commercial stop".

I got lucky we had one in the next half-hour. We have very few.

The supe is a good guy and has called me out constructively. But I'd rather not use his bottle lol

Now, a sorter in the sort isle said a unloader was caught peeing in his trailers haha. Apparently he was too scared to ask anyone were the nearest Restroom was.

I can't imagine a person with that frame of mind going far here lol


Binge Poster
Did anyone e-mail the newspaper and notify them your accusations that they printed false information in the article in question?

The journalists e-mail was posted at the end of the article.



Did anyone e-mail the newspaper and notify them your accusations that they printed false information in the article in question?

The journalists e-mail was posted at the end of the article.


I don't believe anyone did. Perhaps you could rectify that omission and do so