Like Wkmac referred to is that most of the part time pensions are controlled by UPS, especially in the Central States funds. I believe that in the New England district and several other areas that part timers are included in the teamster run pension, and health and welfare trusts. Guessing the contributions are figured out per Article 34 Master to calculate the dollars put into that plan. Could be one of the reasons that other funds are not having the difficulty that Central States is currently going through, but also could not be getting the whole story with those funds also. The Central States reduction really caught most of us by surprise, everybody thought the fund was find and dandy till after 2003. The line about a mobile, flexible part time workforce to conform to the hours needed to do the job will not go. considering that all these combo positions that the company had to create after the "97" contract shows that you can conform the work required with full time positions. Not that hard, one part time position add to another equals one full time. Guaranteed that this pension underfunding has been on the agenda of UPS for many decades, just from studying the job description of any pension or health and welfare trustee, could imagine that this problems was forecasted way before the cuts took effect.
Wkmac, I still remember Carey going through our local back in the early 90's running on a primarly TDU/ increase our pension campaign. My opinion is that with the company's efforts to take over control of the pension and health and welfare funds that really was brought to the table back in "93", he was forced to put pressure on the trustees to increase the benefits in the Central States area. The "Perfect Storm" scenario made famous by our visting representatives may have some to do with the pension cuts, but most of it was due to the wasting away of the pension's base, the younger, contributing participants.
A couple of things has to happen to right this ship, first you need more paying participants in the plans. Every full time position has to be priority one with the teamsters. The other is going to be a reduction of benefits when social security kicks in, already the battle is being fought over health coverages for all retirees. It appears that one of the solutions is to keep you from retiring early or at least till medicare or medicad kicks in, less cost for the funds, company or union. We all got to face it, the days where you can draw two pensions as my father did are ending, early retirement is not an option for most of us the way things are going, not just with UPS but nationwide. Question should be asked why the push for individual 401K plans with companies eliminating pension and health and welfare plans, there is a plan out there...more to the story.