Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Nine Lives

A family together: Barack Obama (back row, second left) with Granny Sarah (front, second right) in 1988

Was she here to attend the SAG awards?


Strength through joy
Bombshell: Hawaii Official, Janice Okubo's birth certificate used to forge Obama's COLB, Amended Obama's Records, Got Politifact!?

by MiaX June 26, 2010 09:42 ObamaRelease YourRecords on 12:59 AM
The plot thickens! Dr. Ron Polland is reporting that Obama's COLB was forged using Hawaii Communications Officer, Janice Okubo's, 2007 issued COLB. Dr. Polland names 4 other people, among the many, complicit in this long known fraud and cover-up, including Hawaii Governor, Linda Lingle, and, Politifact Reporter, Amy Hollyfield. Can't forget Factcheck!

Dr. Polland also reports that Obama's vital records were amended between 2008-2009.

Dr. Polland points out; "for the past two years, Hawaii has refused to confirm that the online COLB copy is a genuine 2007 COLB issued to Obama on June 6, 2007."... More details and names in the video below... Bonus info below Dr. Polland's new video...

Via TheDrRJP; FRAUD IN THE USA EXCLUSIVE! - Blue Hawaii - Sometime between October 31, 2008, and July 27, 2009, the dates of Health Director Chiyome Fukino's two press releases, Hawaii amended Obama's birth record. A brand-new Certificate of Live Birth (not Certification) was issued to him. The DOH Director decides what goes in or gets taken out of birth records. She went on record as saying that "President Obama posted a copy of his certificate on his campaign website" even though she has refused to authenticate it for the past two years. This created a conundrum that could only be resolved by changing Obama's birth records to match what is in that online copy - which is a stone-cold forgery and Fukino knows it! That forged COLB also has its origin within the DOH: watch the video to find out the shocking truth.


whats wrong with this country ? why do we have to go outside of the country to find a black that is qualified to be president.:wink2:


Strength through joy
No wonder he sealed his past.........................

Obama File 101 Who's Been Fibbing Then? Evidence That Obama Was Deeply Involved in Socialist New Party "Sister Organization"

Did Barack Obama, or someone close to him, deliberately mislead voters about the extent of the US president's involvement in the socialist Chicago New Party?

In the run up to the November 2008 elections, evidence surfaced that Barack Obama had joined and been endorsed by the Chicago New Party, during his successful 1995/96 Illinois State Senate run.

According to Obama's "Fight the Smears" website;
Right-wing hatchet man and conspiracy theorist, Stanley Kurtz is pushing a new crackpot smear against Barack falsely claiming he was a member of something called the New Party.
But the truth is Barack has been a member of only one political party, the Democratic Party. In all six primary campaigns of his career, Barack has has run as a Democrat. The New Party did support Barack once in 1996, but he was the only candidate on the ballot in his race and never solicited the endorsement.

This despite evidence that Obama was heavily involved in the New Party in 1995 and according to New Party News of Spring 1996, page 1, was a bona fide New Party member (see below).


I now present evidence that Obama was involved as early as 1993, with a New Party "sister" organization - Progressive Chicago.

This organization was formed by members of the New Party as a support group for "progressive" candidates. It's main instigators included New Party members Madeline Talbott of Chicago ACORN and Dan Swinney, a Chicago labor unionist.
Key Progressive Chicago leaders included;

  • Ron Sable - A member of Democratic Socialists of America and former associate member of the Marxist New American Movement
  • Dwayne Harris, 21st Century Vote
  • David Orr Cook County Clerk, closely tied to Democratic Socialists of America and once linked to the the Communist party front US Peace Council
  • Ernestine Whiting, ACORN.
  • Madeline Talbott, ACORN and New Party. Former colleague of Barack Obama in Project Vote
  • Bessie Cannon, President SEIU Local 880
  • Keith Kelleher, Head organizer SEIU Local 880. Husband of Madeline Talbott
  • Joe Gardner Commissioner, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District, former colleague of Barack Obama in Project Vote
  • Lou Pardo, Northwest Voter Registration Project, an Obama associate, New Party and Democratic Socialists of America member and an affiliate of the Communist Party USA offshoot Committees of Correspondence
  • Dick Simpson, a close associate of Democratic Socialists of America
  • Danny Davis, New Party member with Obama. A member of Democratic Socialists of America and an associate of Committees of Correspondence and the Communist Party USA. Now an Illinois Congressman
  • Carol Harwell, United Voter Registration League, later Obama's campaign manager.
  • Barack Obama, New Party member, long time associate of Democratic Socialists of America, Committees of Correspondence and Communist Party USA
  • Carl Davidson, Networking for Democracy, New Party member. A member of the Committees of Correspondence and a long time Obama associate and enabler. Later a founder of Progressives for Obama
  • Dan Swinney, New Party member and an affiliate of Committees of Correspondence. Later a founder of Progressives for Obama.

  • Barack Obama was probably approached to join Progressive Chicago as early April 7, 1993 as this unsigned handwritten note suggests.


    According to the same note Obama was "more than happy to be involved";

    By September 1993 Obama was one of 17 people listed as a signatory on all Progressive Chicago letters - as shown by the second page of this September 22 Progressive Chicago letter to Joe Gardner.


    On December 31, 1993, Progressive Chicago wrote to all key members, including Obama, inviting them to a January 19, 1994 meeting.



Strength through joy
BORN IN THE USA?Senate-seeker wants Obama birth-certificate treatment

A Mexican-born candidate for U.S. Senate said he is considering a lawsuit against the Missouri secretary of state for discrimination because her office forced him to produce a birth certificate but "didn't make Obama show proof of citizenship" to appear on the ballot.
"I got all my documents together: my birth certificate, which is a Mexican birth certificate; my naturalization certificate; my orders sending me to Iraq and Afghanistan; my bronze-star citations and a couple of officer evaluations that say I'm a pretty good and effective leader," he said. "So I brought all this documentation, and they were only interested in the naturalization certificate. They made a photocopy of it." Maldonado said he asked Carnahan's office if his citizenship documentation would be public record and available to anyone who wants a copy.
"They said, oh yes, absolutely, anyone that wants proof, we have it," he explained. "I said, OK, can you do me a favor then? I'm sure Ms. Carnahan requested the same of Barack Obama when he petitioned to get on the Missouri ballot to become president."
He added, "They had no response. They had nothing."


Strength through joy
Will Washington's Failures Lead To Second American Revolution?


The Internet is a large-scale version of the "Committees of Correspondence" that led to the first American Revolution — and with Washington's failings now so obvious and awful, it may lead to another.
People are asking, "Is the government doing us more harm than good? Should we change what it does and the way it does it?"
Pruning the power of government begins with the imperial presidency.
Too many overreaching laws give the president too much discretion to make too many open-ended rules controlling too many aspects of our lives. There's no end to the harm an out-of-control president can do.
Bill Clinton lowered the culture, moral tone and strength of the nation — and left America vulnerable to attack. When it came, George W. Bush stood up for America, albeit sometimes clumsily.
Barack Obama, however, has pulled off the ultimate switcheroo: He's diminishing America from within — so far, successfully.
He may soon bankrupt us and replace our big merit-based capitalist economy with a small government-directed one of his own design.
He is undermining our constitutional traditions: The rule of law and our Anglo-Saxon concepts of private property hang in the balance. Obama may be the most "consequential" president ever.
The Wall Street Journal's steadfast Dorothy Rabinowitz wrote that Barack Obama is "an alien in the White House."
His bullying and offenses against the economy and job creation are so outrageous that CEOs in the Business Roundtable finally mustered the courage to call him "anti-business." Veteran Democrat Sen. Max Baucus blurted out that Obama is engineering the biggest government-forced "redistribution of income" in history.
Fear and uncertainty stalk the land. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke says America's financial future is "unusually uncertain."
A Wall Street "fear gauge" based on predicted market volatility is flashing long-term panic. New data on the federal budget confirm that record-setting deficits in the $1.4 trillion range are now endemic.
Obama is building an imperium of public debt and crushing taxes, contrary to George Washington's wise farewell admonition: "cherish public credit ... use it as sparingly as possible ... avoiding likewise the accumulation of debt ... bear in mind, that towards the payment of debts there must be Revenue, that to have Revenue there must be taxes; that no taxes can be devised, which are not ... inconvenient and unpleasant ... ."


Strength through joy

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]BORN IN THE USA?[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Oops! Obama mama passport 'destroyed'

[/FONT] [FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]State Dept. claims records gone for Stanley Ann Dunham prior to 1968

[FONT=Palatino, Times New Roman, Georgia, Times, serif]By Jerome R. Corsi[/FONT]
[SIZE=-1] © 2010 WorldNetDaily [/SIZE]


Photo from Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro's 1972 passport records
Last week, in response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the State Department released passport records of Stanley Ann Dunham, President Obama's mother – but those records for the years surrounding Obama's 1961 birth are missing.
The State Department claims that a 1980s General Services Administration directive had resulted in the destruction of many passport applications and other "non-vital" passport records, including Dunham's 1965 passport application and any other passports she may have applied for or held prior to 1965.
Destroyed, then, would also be any records shedding light on whether Dunham did or did not travel out of the country around the time of Barack Obama's birth.
The claim made in the FOIA response letter that many passport records were destroyed during the 1980s comes despite a statement on the State Department website that claims Passport Services maintains U.S. passport records for passports issued from 1925 to the present.
The records that were released, however, do contain interesting tidbits of new information about Obama's mother, including the odd listing of two different dates and locations for her marriage to Obama's Indonesian step-father, Lolo Soetoro.

In the released documents Ann Dunham listed both March 15, 1965, in Molokai, Hawaii, and alternatively, March 5, 1964, in Maui, Hawaii, as the dates and times of her marriage.
Ann Dunham later divorced Lolo Soetoro in Hawaii. The divorce decree took effect on Nov. 5, 1980, but the divorce papers do not list the date of the marriage.
No marriage certificate between Dunham and Soetoro has yet publicly surfaced, but a released application to amend Ann Dunham's 1965 passport to her married name Stanley Ann Soetoro includes a checked box indicating that a passport officer had seen the marriage certificate.
The released records also document that on Aug. 13, 1968, Ann Dunham applied to have her 1965-issued passport renewed for two years, until July 18, 1970.
Under 22 USC Sec. 217a, from 1959 through 1968, passports were initially issued for three years, but they could be renewed for an additional two years.
Obama, by any other name
Also revealed by the released records is a heretofore unknown, alternative name for Barack Obama.
In the 1968 application to renew her 1965 passport, Dunham listed as her son Barack Hussein Obama, including in parenthesis below the name, "Saebarkah," in what appears to be a variation of an Indonesian surname not previously associated in the public record with the president.
For some unexplained reason, the designation of "Barack Hussein Obama (Saebarkah)" is crossed off the 1968 application by five, handwritten, diagonal hash marks.

S. Ann Dunham in Indonesia
Ann Dunham also appears to have used two different variations of her name in obtaining and amending passports while married to Lolo Soetoro: Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro and, without her maiden name, Stanley Ann Soetoro.
On April 27, 1981, Ann Dunham applied from Jakarta, Indonesia, for a U.S. passport, indicating that she was in Indonesia working on a two-year contract from the Ford Foundation, from January 1981 through December 1982.
At that time, Ann Dunham was working on a microfinance program for the Ford Foundation, which was overseen by Peter Geithner, the father of Timothy Geithner, the current U.S. secretary of the treasury.

The State Department released the documents on July 29, responding to a FOIA request submitted by Christopher Strunk, a New York resident who has actively pursued obtaining documents regarding Barack Obama's birth and his eligibility to be president under the "natural born citizen" requirement of Section 1, Article Two of the United States Constitution.
The Ann Dunham passport documents released last week by the State Department in response to the Strunk FOIA request have been archived on the Internet.


Well-Known Member
Can someone change BaBa's diaper, he been crying too much lately.....

When is a Birther going to file a God Darn lawsuit already, BaBa gonna burst a blood vessel in his temple....

These Birthers must be so bothered by now, with those voices in their head....

Unbelieveable, we have tarballs landing on our beaches, polar ice caps melting, on the verge of WWIII, the Mexican Invasion, Americans/9/11 first responders lacking proper access to Healthcare, infrastucture crumbling, greedy Wall Street Fat Cats, unemployment issues, Nat'l debt concerns, and the right is worried about a manufactured lie of the President's birth certificate.

Is this anyway for a grown man to spend his days?


Strength through joy
"Unbelieveable, we have tarballs landing on our beaches, polar ice caps melting, on the verge of WWIII, the Mexican Invasion, Americans/9/11 first responders lacking proper access to Healthcare, infrastucture crumbling, greedy Wall Street Fat Cats, unemployment issues, Nat'l debt concerns, and the right is worried about a manufactured lie of the President's birth certificate.

Is this anyway for a grown man to spend his days?"
Diesel, according to the state run media......what tar balls ? All that oil has magically gone away, Thank You Mother Nature.
And there is no such thing as a Mexican invasion, they are offically known as displaced workers, unless you know something secret that your masters told you about ?
And all the world media coverage on melting polar caps has turn out to be FALSE.
Please tell me on just which day we were NOT on the verge of WWIII ?
I loved the greedy Wall Street fat cats weren't they the nice folks who paid $30,000 each to have dinner with barry recently ?
What unemployment issue were you referring to ? According to Queen Nancy the government will support the workers, forever.
An investigative report detailing the Obama eligibility controversy

By Douglas J. Hagmann, Director
The COLB , even if authenticated, is not legally sufficient to be considered proof of citizenship and therefore,is legally insufficient to prove elegibility of BHO II.


Strength through joy
August 4, 2010

Another Whopper: Obama Claims Father Fought in WWII

Posted by Van Helsing at 4:56 PM | Comments (0)
When the Manchurian Moonbat's mouth is in gear, the preposterous lies just don't stop. Here he is claiming that his father served in World War II:
The Kenyan communist Barack Obama Senior, born in 1936, was 9 years old when WWII ended.
Maybe Barry meant his adoptive father, Lolo Soetoro. But the Indonesian Soetoro was 10 years old when WWII ended.
Some say that the reason Obama has spent a fortune to keep his birth certificate from the public is that his actual father was his childhood mentor, the communist, rapist, and potential enemy agent Frank Marshall Davis. Born in 1905, Davis was plenty old enough for WWII.


Staff member
I'm just amazed that Obama was able to get all these people to go along with the fraud. The Clintons, the Supreme Court, all but about 600,000 citizens--amazing!


Strength through joy
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]BORN IN THE USA?[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Obama on MySpace: I'm now 4 years younger!

[/FONT] [FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]On his purported birthday, president actually subtracts from his age
