Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Strength through joy
Just when you thought there couldn't be any more players in the ongoing soap opera over the hunt for President Obama's original birth certificate and his constitutional eligibility for office, there comes yet another name: Elena Kagan.
Yes, the same Elena Kagan nominated by the commander in chief to be the next justice on the U.S. Supreme Court has actually been playing a role for some time in the dispute over whether Obama is legally qualified to be in the White House.
Here's the connection. Kagan served as solicitor general of the United States from March 2009 until May of this year.
In that role, she legally represented the U.S. government in numerous cases coming before the Supreme Court


Strength through joy
I doubt the Obama's birth story the way you tell it. Does that count?

Enlighten everyone to your version.
And could you also explain why there are no hospital records for his mother's illness and death certificate.


Staff member
Don't know that I have a version. I guess I just don't believe a version that requires so much collusion by such opposing forces as yours does. Goes back to January 20, 2009 when the very conservative Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United Staes of America swore in the president of the United States. Twice.


golden ticket member

i think it is remarkable that within a week of tiger woods crashing his escalade, the press found:

every woman with whom tiger has had an affair in the last few years, with photos, text messages, recorded phone calls, etc. And, they not only knew the cause of the family fight, but they even knew it was a wedge from his golf bag that his wife used to break out the windows in the escalade. Not only that, they knew which wedge! And each and every day, they gave america more updates on his sex-rehab stay, his wife's plans for divorce, and the dates and tournaments he will play in.

obama has been in office for over a year now,

and this same press still cannot find:

any of obama's childhood friends or neighbors, locate any of obama's college papers or grades, how he paid for a harvard education, which country issued his visa to travel to pakistan in the 1980's, barry soretoro or even michelle obama's princeton thesis on racism.

they just can't seem to find them.

yet the public still trusts that same press to give them the whole truth! Truly remarkable!


Strength through joy

i think it is remarkable that within a week of tiger woods crashing his escalade, the press found:

every woman with whom tiger has had an affair in the last few years, with photos, text messages, recorded phone calls, etc. And, they not only knew the cause of the family fight, but they even knew it was a wedge from his golf bag that his wife used to break out the windows in the escalade. Not only that, they knew which wedge! And each and every day, they gave america more updates on his sex-rehab stay, his wife's plans for divorce, and the dates and tournaments he will play in.

obama has been in office for over a year now,

and this same press still cannot find:

any of obama's childhood friends or neighbors, locate any of obama's college papers or grades, how he paid for a harvard education, which country issued his visa to travel to pakistan in the 1980's, barry soretoro or even michelle obama's princeton thesis on racism.

they just can't seem to find them.

yet the public still trusts that same press to give them the whole truth! Truly remarkable!

nor have any former girlfriends of barry been found.
And where are those "President O born here" plaques posted in Hawaii ?


golden ticket member
for Barry, you'd have to look for boyfriends.......not girlfriends. You can ask Rev. Wright's choir director.....oh wait, you can't because he was killed mysteriouly !!


Staff member

i think it is remarkable that within a week of tiger woods crashing his escalade, the press found:

every woman with whom tiger has had an affair in the last few years, with photos, text messages, recorded phone calls, etc. And, they not only knew the cause of the family fight, but they even knew it was a wedge from his golf bag that his wife used to break out the windows in the escalade. Not only that, they knew which wedge! And each and every day, they gave america more updates on his sex-rehab stay, his wife's plans for divorce, and the dates and tournaments he will play in.

obama has been in office for over a year now,

and this same press still cannot find:

any of obama's childhood friends or neighbors, locate any of obama's college papers or grades, how he paid for a harvard education, which country issued his visa to travel to pakistan in the 1980's, barry soretoro or even michelle obama's princeton thesis on racism.

they just can't seem to find them.

yet the public still trusts that same press to give them the whole truth! Truly remarkable!

So FoxNews and Worldnet Daily are in on the fraud as well?


Strength through joy
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]BORN IN THE USA?[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Another Obama puzzle: 3rd grade in 2 countries?

[/FONT] [FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Photo at Hawaii school doesn't line up with State Department info, registration

WND asked Inoue how Obama could have been with him in Hawaii in the third grade, contrary to the accepted narrative placing Obama in Indonesia at the time.
"I don't have any explanation," he said.


Strength through joy
Attorney General Abbott has indicated he will file a civil suit to challenge the Constitutionality of the just signed ‘Mandatory Purchase of Private Health Insurance’ bill, arguing it encroaches on states’ rights by violating the Commerce Clause. But for several months now, he has had at his disposal a tool that is both much quicker and cheaper to combat this law, as well as any other legislation originating up Mr. Obama’s sinister sleeve. That is, he could investigate the dozens of charges of election fraud the citizens of the great state of Texas have already filed with his office.
And he can start just by submitting this request to Boyd Richie, Chair of the Texas Democratic Party:
“Please produce all documents which were the basis for the Official TDP Certification of Nomination you signed and then submitted to Texas election officials attesting that Presidential candidate Barack Obama was Constitutionally qualified for the job.”
Then, when Mr. Richie refuses to produce such documentation, AG Abbott can charge him with criminal election fraud. Simple as that.


Strength through joy
Hey , this is just perfect for barry.
In the newly ratified Kenyan constitution, Chapter 3, Section 14(1), entitled “Citizenship by birth,” reads: “A person is a citizen by birth if on the day of the person’s birth, whether or not the person is born in Kenya, either the mother or father of the person is a Kenyan citizen.”
On Obama’s birthday, Aug. 4, 1961, his father, Barack Obama Sr., was a Kenyan citizen, thereby conferring on his son Kenyan citizenship.
Chapter 3, Section 16 of the Kenyan Constitution specifies, “A citizen by birth does not lose citizenship by acquiring the citizenship of another country,” making clear that U.S. citizenship is not an impediment for Obama also being a Kenyan citizen.
The constitution suggests that all Obama would need to do to make his Kenyan citizenship effective again is to apply for reinstatement.
Chapter 14, Section 14(5) reads, “A person who is a Kenyan citizen by birth and who, on the effective date, has ceased to be a Kenyan citizen because the person acquired citizenship of another country, is entitled on application to regain Kenyan citizenship.”



Strength through joy
Another secret about BHO;
A previously unknown stepsister of Barack Obama died unexpectedly earlier this year.
Internet researchers made the link between the president and his previously undisclosed stepsister, Holiyah "Lia" Soetoro Sobah, after translating from obituaries published in Indonesia. She died Feb. 26.
The obituaries identified Lia as having been adopted by Lolo Soetoro, Obama's stepfather, and Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro, the president's mother.

According to the Indonesian obituaries, Barry Soetoro and Lia Soetoro were always together, playing, traveling on family vacations and even bathing.

Even though Obama makes no mention in "Dreams from My Father" of having had an Indonesian stepsister, the Indonesian obituaries make clear that Obama slept in the same room as his stepsister while the two of them grew up together in the Soetoro home in Jakarta.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Another secret about BHO;
A previously unknown stepsister of Barack Obama died unexpectedly earlier this year.
Internet researchers made the link between the president and his previously undisclosed stepsister, Holiyah "Lia" Soetoro Sobah, after translating from obituaries published in Indonesia. She died Feb. 26.
The obituaries identified Lia as having been adopted by Lolo Soetoro, Obama's stepfather, and Ann Dunham Obama Soetoro, the president's mother.

According to the Indonesian obituaries, Barry Soetoro and Lia Soetoro were always together, playing, traveling on family vacations and even bathing.

Even though Obama makes no mention in "Dreams from My Father" of having had an Indonesian stepsister, the Indonesian obituaries make clear that Obama slept in the same room as his stepsister while the two of them grew up together in the Soetoro home in Jakarta.

Just one of many skeletons in Barrys closet...


Strength through joy

The image comes from the most recent edition of the White House's official video diary: White House Week

I compared this to my own passport, mine has the stars to the left of the picture , "sex" is listed to the right before place of birth and only 24 pages.


Strength through joy
(Daily Nation)An aunt of President Barack Obama was allowed to stay in the United States on the shocking grounds that she would be persecuted by Kenyan leaders if she was forced to return to the country.
And on Wednesday, the government reacted angrily to the US Immigration court’s apparent endorsement of claims by Ms Zeituni Onyango — the half-sister of the American President’s Kenyan father — that she would be persecuted if she was deported.
Justice and Constitutional Affairs minister Mutula Kilonzo described the claims as “ridiculous and an insult to Kenyans”.
Zeituni convinced a US judge three months ago that she feared “persecution by some members of the Kenyan government” and was allowed to stay in the US although she had been classified as an illegal immigrant after her visa expired.
Said Mr Kilonzo: “The insinuation about Kenya’s inability to protect Ms Obama is outrageous, misplaced and an insult to the Kenyan state.
“President Obama’s grandmother is here and she is treated like a royalty. It is unfortunate because Kenya enjoys cordial relations with the United States.”