FT and PT should have separate contracts. They are already totally divided in all but name. They do not and cannot share a common attitude towards this job when their situations are entirely different.
Stop the charade that there is a brotherhood between the two and implement separate contracts. As long as they share a contract, part-timers will continue to ignore a voting process that makes no effort to inform them and include them, and full-timers will continue to sell them out every chance they get for their own benefit.
The union acts disappointed that the voting turn out was so low, yet they do absolutely nothing to bring part-timers, many of them very new to the company and unsure of how all this works, into the fold. Hell, I couldn't even participate in ANY of the conference calls because all of them were conducted during my scheduled working hours.
If I wasn't on browncafe I wouldn't have even been aware that there had been a new contract and vote at all.