Phil (Duck Dynasty) covered under 1st Amendment?

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Today I saw the Duck Dynasty Chocolate the Hershey big ones that sell for 4 / $5. It was $2.39........Yahoo for the free market!!! The camo wrapper is really an eye catcher.
Happy, happy, happy !!

Uh.......4/$5 is $1.25 a piece. You were happy paying $2.39 each?


golden ticket member
Uh.......4/$5 is $1.25 a piece. You were happy paying $2.39 each?
No, I'm saying I would happily pay $2.39 just for the cool wrapper........good gift to the duck hunter next door to take to the blind. I hope they sell tons of them. Hooray for the free market!!

I, myself, prefer the Hershey chocolate.
No, I'm saying I would happily pay $2.39 just for the cool wrapper........good gift to the duck hunter next door to take to the blind. I hope they sell tons of them. Hooray for the free market!!

I, myself, prefer the Hershey chocolate.

I though somebody mentioned that Duck Dynasty is owned br A&E? Duck Commander is owned by the Richardson family?


golden ticket member

Via Entertainment Weekly:
GLAAD responds: “Phil Robertson should look African American and gay people in the eyes and hear about the hurtful impact of praising Jim Crow laws and comparing gay people to terrorists. If dialogue with Phil is not part of next steps then A+E has chosen profits over African American and gay people – especially its employees and viewers.”


golden ticket member
Jesse Jackson says that Phil has to repent and be more contrite........who died and made him god ???


Well-Known Member
Jesse Jackson says that Phil has to repent and be more contrite........who died and made him god ???


Many of us know this game too ----Phil has to repent , be more contrite --and make a huge donation to the Rainbow coalition --so I can continue to wear Armani suits --not work at a real job--support my illegitimate children and mistresses.

For the last 60 years cry about how poor the Blacks are in this country --while being a shill for the Democrats --like the great society of LBJ -that has dissolved the black family unit , encouraged dependency and have created a new"plantation" --that only few Blacks --like Jackson and Sharpton make money and prosper.

Some would call it EXTORTION !!

p.s. --Not God --a "Reverend" so that he does not have to pay any taxes to support the dependency programs he shills for !!!


Well-Known Member
Not surprised in the least that A&E caved. Predicted it when this whole fiasco began. You don't suspend one of the stars on one of your highest rated shows when you know 95% of the viewship agrees with the statements you suspended him over. Good for Phil and the Robertsons for standing strong against the attempted censorship of their beliefs.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Not surprised in the least that A&E caved. Predicted it when this whole fiasco began. You don't suspend one of the stars on one of your highest rated shows when you know 95% of the viewship agrees with the statements you suspended him over. Good for Phil and the Robertsons for standing strong against the attempted censorship of their beliefs.
No one tried to censor their beliefs, they just pointed out how despicable they were.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
It was censorship!

Jeez, judging from the reaction, you would've thought this guy was being prosecuted by the British in 1776. In the end, he no different from Jon & Kate, Paris Hilton and Snooki.

Peas in a pod.


Package Car is cake compared to this...

Many of us know this game too ----Phil has to repent , be more contrite --and make a huge donation to the Rainbow coalition --so I can continue to wear Armani suits --not work at a real job--support my illegitimate children and mistresses.

For the last 60 years cry about how poor the Blacks are in this country --while being a shill for the Democrats --like the great society of LBJ -that has dissolved the black family unit , encouraged dependency and have created a new"plantation" --that only few Blacks --like Jackson and Sharpton make money and prosper.

Some would call it EXTORTION !!

p.s. --Not God --a "Reverend" so that he does not have to pay any taxes to support the dependency programs he shills for !!!

Jesse Jackson is no different than Phil Robertson. Both use an ignorant media and populous to push their views. If they were ignored, they would disappear. Neither will happen, however, because ignorance is rampant.


golden ticket member
That's some clan you established there. Paris says she's one of the top 5 DJ's in the world.........Snooki is HALF the monstrosity she used to be......lost all that beer fat.
Jon is the low life loser leech he always was and Kate is the wicked witch of the Keystone State.


Package Car is cake compared to this...
That's some clan you established there. Paris says she's one of the top 5 DJ's in the world.........Snooki is HALF the monstrosity she used to be......lost all that beer fat.
Jon is the low life loser leech he always was and Kate is the wicked witch of the Keystone State.

Exactly. You forgot Phil Robertson.

All crappy "reality" TV stars. The parallel between the "star" and the audience is striking. America demands mediocrity, and there will always be someone there to deliver it. That pretty much sums up why modern television is so lame. For every gem like Modern Family or Breaking Bad, there are 20 horrible shows.

That's America.
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