Phil (Duck Dynasty) covered under 1st Amendment?

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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
First you say:

Then you post this:

I'm not sure I understand. They're not doing anything unlawful if it's legal...right?

USE your brain bro.. Its "LEGAL" in the phillipines, but ILLEGAL in the USA to leave the country with the purpose of having sex with a teenager in another country. We pass laws here to attempt to stop the practice of OLD WHITE MEN leaving this country.

There have been a ton of convictions in federal court for just this reason. Planning to leave the country and head to the phillipines to engage in the teenaged sex trade is ILLEGAL in this country and carries serious punishment.

Figure it out bro.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Regardless of what is or isnt legal in another country, the issue here is a HYPOCRITE who professes to be a good christian, yet dates a child when she is 14 years old while an adult for two years engaging in immoral behavior ( pre marital sex) then marrying that child when she turned 16 years old. It fits the pattern of the OLD WHITE MEN syndrome in this country who want to dominate women.

Sounds like the GOP to me..



Staff member
USE your brain bro.. Its "LEGAL" in the phillipines, but ILLEGAL in the USA to leave the country with the purpose of having sex with a teenager in another country.
Easy my friend, I did say I didn't understand. Is it also true that doing anything legal in a foreign country that is illegal here is unlawful?
Right away, I think of people going to Amsterdam to smoke pot in the streets. Are they being prosecuted when they return?

I'm not sure I like that law. Seems to me, we should not push our "morality" on other countries. Think of all the tourist money these countries rake in from US tourists. I suppose if they start to really lose money, Obama will send them more of our tax dollars to make up for it.


Nine Lives
My great grandmother got married when she was 12. A long time ago and also in the South (Georgia).
Marriage age is more a function of agrarian society versus industrial society.
Agrarian is as soon as female reaches puberty.
12 is early to reach puberty for a female but not uncommon.


Nine Lives
I see that TOS has come out of his shell after being rejected by the members of his local.
I am glad you all are playing with him instead of rejecting him as well.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Marriage age is more a function of agrarian society versus industrial society.
Agrarian is as soon as female reaches puberty.
12 is early to reach puberty for a female but not uncommon.
I'm pretty sure TOS doesn't understand things in the past may have been different than they are one and something that were once every day occupancies are now frowned upon.
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