Phil (Duck Dynasty) covered under 1st Amendment?

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golden ticket member
Oh yeah, she’s dead serious.
Via Noah Rothman:
Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) joined MSNBC host Richard Lui on Monday to discuss the number of Affordable Care Act beneficiaries released by the Department of Health and Human Services over the weekend. She offered a novel suggestion for why enrollment figures fell short of projections: the GOP successfully convinced the public that the law was repealed.
While 1.1 million have enrolled, 3 million enrollees were expected at this point and 7 million are needed by March 31, 2014, in order to ensure the program is financially viable. Norton posited that the enrollment figure is lower than expected for a number of reasons, including the fact that millions believe the Republican Party succeeded in repealing the law. [...]
“What we have been battling now is, first, every time the House couldn’t think of anything else to do, it had a big debate on repealing Obamacare,” Norton continued. “So, there are millions of people out there who think it was repealed


nowhere special
They still haven't explained what they mean by "enrolled". Is it those who looked at plans on the website or people who paid their premiums and are confirmed as covered? I suspect the former.


Well-Known Member
Ahh, yes, so very clever of you.

It's funny how people like you and Robertson have such a concerning interest in the anatomy of gay men.

A tell, I think they call it.


You may know necks ---but SURPRISE---I do have the same anatomy of gay men --I do not place mine in the excretory system.

It is hilarious and sad at the same time ---if anyone mentions the sex act of gay males --it is called sick, perverse ,vulgar and course language.

If you do the act -it is fine and normal --and everyone must accept it and agree it is the same--or be called Haters and homophobs. Just another town in LA-LA Land.

Call me what you want -- the thought of fecal matter on bed sheets is disgusting -they are free to do whatever they want -does not mean that I must accept it as normal.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Even more alike than we knew yesterday:

There’s a new controversy surrounding "Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson as a video made four years ago surfaced showing the show’s patriarch talking about the merits of marrying teenage girls.

In the video, Robertson says “Look, you wait till they get to be 20 years old - the only picking that’s gonna take place is your pocket. You gotta marry these girls when they’re about 15 or 16.”


nowhere special
It's still legal in some states to marry at 16 with no parental least it use to be.

That would imply some believe in marriage .. at any age. Many liberals just live together and never get married. Also, that might cause them to lose some welfare benefits if their kids had a legal daddy.


golden ticket member
And you can marry your cousin in some places. I suppose you are for Child Marriage because Phil said so?

You may want to read a bit before you say something else stupid.
Supplying info. is stupid ??? I just gave you every state and the minimum age for marriage (LAW). No, I'm not for child marriage.......Warren Jeffs is in prison where he belongs.
I don't know Phil from Adam. I'm not impressed with the South..........sorry , it's humidity and bugs to me.

You think you know, but you don't know diddly.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
That would imply some believe in marriage .. at any age. Many liberals just live together and never get married. Also, that might cause them to lose some welfare benefits if their kids had a legal daddy.
Do you really believe that? You are another advocate of Child Brides?,0,3697475,full.story

Today the couple have moved into Liset's parents' house on a plot of land outside of town. On the surface, they are little different from thousands of other members of the working poor in Bellmead, a bedroom community outside Waco--a conservative, blue-collar city that is the seat of a county with one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the nation.

"I'm just taking it day by day," says James, who works 70-hour weeks at a cafeteria in a nearby turkey-packing plant. "We argue sometimes. But it's always about little things."


nowhere special
Do you really believe that? You are another advocate of Child Brides?,0,3697475,full.story

Today the couple have moved into Liset's parents' house on a plot of land outside of town. On the surface, they are little different from thousands of other members of the working poor in Bellmead, a bedroom community outside Waco--a conservative, blue-collar city that is the seat of a county with one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the nation.

"I'm just taking it day by day," says James, who works 70-hour weeks at a cafeteria in a nearby turkey-packing plant. "We argue sometimes. But it's always about little things."

I never said I was for child brides. I stated that some people are against all marriages, regardless of age. I think people should be adults to get married but still should get married if they are going to live together and have kids. Teenage brides are legal in many states and while I don't think its a good idea that is the law. And I think it should be a teenage couple and not an old man marrying a very young girl ( if the age difference is very much it is not legal in many states with low min age to marry).

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
It's still legal in some states to marry at 16 with no parental least it use to be.

Its NOT amazing that you would support an adult dating a 14 year old girl, then marrying her at 16. What is more telling is what that says about you, regardless of what some rednect state law has on the books.

When people support adults dating children, then marrying them when they are still children, then that goes to show how low some people will go to support an ideaology.

This man is a disgusting phoney. Idiots are making him a rich man while he laughs at all of you.

The Redneck states of this country may allow siblings to marry or first cousins, but thats why they are RED states.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Phil Robertson is in the same catagory with TED NUGENT who also dated children. If fact, Nugent adopted his teenage wife before he married her as disgusting as that is.

These two men are the pigs that motivate the right wing old white men crowd.

Yet, those same Old white men believe they are the righteous ones.




golden ticket member
Its NOT amazing that you would support an adult dating a 14 year old girl, then marrying her at 16. What is more telling is what that says about you, regardless of what some rednect state law has on the books.

When people support adults dating children, then marrying them when they are still children, then that goes to show how low some people will go to support an ideaology.

This man is a disgusting phoney. Idiots are making him a rich man while he laughs at all of you.

The Redneck states of this country may allow siblings to marry or first cousins, but thats why they are RED states.

Where did I say I supported adults dating children ?????????????......TROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I doubt he will comment since that usually happens in Muslim countries.

OLDnGRAY, why is it, that OLD AMERICAN WHITE men , leave this country in record numbers to go to countries to have sex with teenage girls than in any other country on the face of the earth?

Why is the phillipines a popular place for old white right wing christian men?

Got a clue? or does your passport have a Phillipine stamp on it also?

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