Phil (Duck Dynasty) covered under 1st Amendment?

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Well-Known Member
OLDnGRAY, why is it, that OLD AMERICAN WHITE men , leave this country in record numbers to go to countries to have sex with teenage girls than in any other country on the face of the earth?

Why is the phillipines a popular place for old white right wing christian men?

Got a clue? or does your passport have a Phillipine stamp on it also?



You guys claim and sometimes rightly so that Moreluck does not read her own posted links and then you go and do the same thing. You claims above are not backed up by the article you posted. Even in the piece, it's claimed that just 40 percent of all foreign male vistors to the Philippines come for sex and foreign includes the US and not the US specific. Also the article makes not one mention of teenage or to go the next step of your suggestion, underage sex at all.

And let's try and throw a number on that 40% shall we. From the article:

The Philippines recorded an all-time high of 3.52 million visitors last year and the government is aiming for tourist arrivals of six million by 2016.

The article appears to suggest that about 3.5 million tourists came to the Philippines last year and let's say 2 million of that is male. 40% of 2 mil is only 800k and let's say that 75% of that is from the US meaning 600k. Assuming all 3.5 million tourists are male who came for sex with a percent being American doesn't make for a record number of white American males going over there for sex. And not all would be for young girls either.

Again, I don't see that as a record number and that's assuming your racial claim because in the piece, racial profiling was not mentioned.


Strength through joy
OLDnGRAY, why is it, that OLD AMERICAN WHITE men , leave this country in record numbers to go to countries to have sex with teenage girls than in any other country on the face of the earth?

Why is the phillipines a popular place for old white right wing christian men?

Got a clue? or does your passport have a Phillipine stamp on it also?

From where in the article do you get "old american white men " from ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

You guys claim and sometimes rightly so that Moreluck does not read her own posted links and then you go and do the same thing. You claims above are not backed up by the article you posted. Even in the piece, it's claimed that just 40 percent of all foreign male vistors to the Philippines come for sex and foreign includes the US and not the US specific. Also the article makes not one mention of teenage or to go the next step of your suggestion, underage sex at all.

And let's try and throw a number on that 40% shall we. From the article:

The article appears to suggest that about 3.5 million tourists came to the Philippines last year and let's say 2 million of that is male. 40% of 2 mil is only 800k and let's say that 75% of that is from the US meaning 600k. Assuming all 3.5 million tourists are male who came for sex with a percent being American doesn't make for a record number of white American males going over there for sex. And not all would be for young girls either.

Again, I don't see that as a record number and that's assuming your racial claim because in the piece, racial profiling was not mentioned.

Wkmac, you know what i stated to be true. The US has enacted federal laws to attempt to stop OLD WHITE AMERICAN MEN from leaving the states for the purpose of having sex with teenage girls in other countries.. This country has a serious problem with OLD WHITE MEN who leave this country for third world countries where teenage prostitution is legal.

I gave the phillipines as an example, and that was not to be representative of the total OLD WHITE MEN at large. Singapore, vietnam and other pacific region counties are also involved.

Interstate and foreign travel or transportation in aid of racketeering enterprises

Title 18 Part I Ch. 95 Sec. 1952

"Whoever travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses the mail or any facility in interstate or foreign commerce, with intent to... otherwise promote, manage, establish, carry on, or facilitate the promotion, management, establishment, or carrying on, of any unlawful activity...shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both."

Up to 5 yrs and/or fine

The article I posted demonstrates a "percentage" of men, mostly from the USA who travel to the phillipines for the sex trade. If you knew anything about the Phillipine sex trade, you would know that it involves teenage girls as young as 12 years old. Its legal there. OLD WHITE AMERICAN MEN bring these women back to the states after a while and marry them here.

Happens all the time.

I see that one poster is particularly quite on this subject, and for probably good reason.



Well-Known Member
But where in the article does it say "old, white, American men"? Was it before or after "middle aged, Hispanic-American men"?

"If you knew anything about the Phillipine sex trade"
Your expertise in such a broad area of subjects is amazing.


Well-Known Member
Wkmac, you know what i stated to be true. The US has enacted federal laws to attempt to stop OLD WHITE AMERICAN MEN from leaving the states for the purpose of having sex with teenage girls in other countries.. This country has a serious problem with OLD WHITE MEN who leave this country for third world countries where teenage prostitution is legal.

I gave the phillipines as an example, and that was not to be representative of the total OLD WHITE MEN at large. Singapore, vietnam and other pacific region counties are also involved.

Interstate and foreign travel or transportation in aid of racketeering enterprises

Title 18 Part I Ch. 95 Sec. 1952

"Whoever travels in interstate or foreign commerce or uses the mail or any facility in interstate or foreign commerce, with intent to... otherwise promote, manage, establish, carry on, or facilitate the promotion, management, establishment, or carrying on, of any unlawful activity...shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both."

Up to 5 yrs and/or fine

The article I posted demonstrates a "percentage" of men, mostly from the USA who travel to the phillipines for the sex trade. If you knew anything about the Phillipine sex trade, you would know that it involves teenage girls as young as 12 years old. Its legal there. OLD WHITE AMERICAN MEN bring these women back to the states after a while and marry them here.

Happens all the time.

I see that one poster is particularly quite on this subject, and for probably good reason.


All that may or may not be true but the article you posted did nothing to support your claim.


Well-Known Member
That could just as easily read "Old black guys going to have sex with underage brown girls"

Because race of said tourists are not mentioned, your point is true. Same for age. There are those who make a more interesting argument that there exists a global sex slave transport network and many are brought here to the US so those "old right wing white guys" don't even need to leave the country to begin with.

It's also argued that Stanley Kubrick was killed as a result of exposing a window into this world in his last film Eyes Wide Shut. Whether true or not, I do think the film offers a view of a certain world that does exist within a certain privileged society where political ideologies are mostly meaningless. Only the muddling masses are so stupid to think in such narrow constraints but then we've been conditioned to do so.


golden ticket member
"I see that one poster is particularly quite on this subject, and for probably good reason." (TOS)

I don't know who you are referring to, but I assume you mean QUIET not quite.

I, for one, click on "mark forums as read" and there are hundreds of posts that I don't ever see. Nothing to respond to when it's never seen.


Well-Known Member
"I see that one poster is particularly quite on this subject, and for probably good reason." (TOS)

I don't know who you are referring to, but I assume you mean QUIET not quite.

I, for one, click on "mark forums as read" and there are hundreds of posts that I don't ever see. Nothing to respond to when it's never seen.

I think I speak for several in that in 2014 I hope you continue and vastly expand that excellent practice. You go girl!


golden ticket member
Phil Robertson is in the same catagory with TED NUGENT who also dated children. If fact, Nugent adopted his teenage wife before he married her as disgusting as that is.

These two men are the pigs that motivate the right wing old white men crowd.

Yet, those same Old white men believe they are the righteous ones.


Sounds like the Woody Allen scenario........married his adopted daughter!!


Staff member
First you say:

This country has a serious problem with OLD WHITE MEN who leave this country for third world countries where teenage prostitution is legal.

Then you post this:

Title 18 Part I Ch. 95 Sec. 1952

"......establishment, or carrying on, of any unlawful activity...shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both."

Up to 5 yrs and/or fine

I'm not sure I understand. They're not doing anything unlawful if it's legal...right?
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