Photo of the day


Staff member
Claude, the 15-pound Tasmanian giant crab, was caught by the right man. According to The (U.K.) Daily Mail,
the colossal crustacean was found by an Australian fisherman who decided to sell Claude
to a British aquarium instead of a fine seafood restaurant.

That Aussie fisherman looks like a woman.


Well-Known Member
HMS Ocean of the Royal Navy, squeezed past the barriers of the Thames as it deploys in preparation for security of the
upcoming Summer Olympics.


Well-Known Member
I thought about it.

Mr Hoke has an ability to see that. I love his photos.

Such an eye for beauty that is hidden, but right there to see.


bella amicizia
You can almost see my house in that picture. If I were at the beach the day the picture was taken, they could have zoomed in and seen me! I don't go out on the main lake. I stay in one the ponds. South sandy pond.


Well-Known Member
So beautiful.

Imagine that the Most High looks down and sees His Creation, and hears someone complaining.....
Same old view, same old thing. I need something different....

He says, come up here and look at my Creation and appreciate it from my view....



Well-Known Member
Newly sworn in President Putin, who if he serves his whole term, will be will become the longest-serving leader since
Soviet ruler Joseph Stalin.


Well-Known Member
Queen Elizabeth has given her annual “Queen's Speech” to Britain's parliament, setting out the country's legislative
agenda for the next year.

Hundreds of people lined the streets outside parliament Wednesday to see the queen's horse-drawn carriage
parade from Buckingham Palace in a lavish ceremony including gleaming coaches, sparkling diamonds and cannon fire.



Well-Known Member
The flame was lit in Olympia Greece for the summer Olympics yesterday.

The flame will first travel through Greece before being flown to the U.K., where it will arrive at the
Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose in Cornwall on May 18. London last hosted the games in 1948.

A torch relay will start on May 19 at Land’s End, Cornwall, taking the Olympic flame on a 70-day, 8,000-mile journey
crisscrossing the U.K. so that it will be within 10 miles of 95 percent of the population, organizers say.
It will be carried by 8,000 torchbearers before it reaches the Olympic Stadium on the evening
of July 27 for the opening ceremony.


Staff member
The flame was lit in Olympia Greece for the summer Olympics yesterday.

The flame will first travel through Greece before being flown to the U.K., where it will arrive at the
Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose in Cornwall on May 18. London last hosted the games in 1948.

A torch relay will start on May 19 at Land’s End, Cornwall, taking the Olympic flame on a 70-day, 8,000-mile journey
crisscrossing the U.K. so that it will be within 10 miles of 95 percent of the population, organizers say.
It will be carried by 8,000 torchbearers before it reaches the Olympic Stadium on the evening
of July 27 for the opening ceremony.

Flames are real close to that girls hand. She needs Ove Gloves!