Polar Bear Hunting --The Knockout Game


Well-Known Member
Violence is not a Black America problem. It's not a White America problem. It's an American problem. And it won't change unless everyone wakes up to that fact.

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Well-Known Member
Violence is not a Black America problem. It's not a White America problem. It's an American problem. And it won't change unless everyone wakes up to that fact.

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Is that why over 50% of the gun murders in the United States are committed by young blacks ??

12.6 % of the total U.S. population with the old, very young and very good Blacks --taken out of this statistic ---means we have in the area of THREE PERCENT of a certain group committing the vast amount of crime .
----Yes --we can agree it is a PROBLEM for all of us --but recognize the root of the problem : Highest drop out rates from school --Highest birth rate to single mothers--7 out of 10 children born with no Daddy !!!!!
====Poverty--no education--no discipline or accountability =roam streets=gangs=drugs=violence=:brokenheart:crime=jail =get out and father more children =non-stop generational cycle !!!


Well-Known Member
United Nations Statistics ---United States ranks close to the top for Murders.

Remove the murders from Chicago, Detroit, Memphis and Newark --the United States drops to very near the bottom of the list.

U.N. --sure real conservative group !!

SPC is correct --Time for people to open their eyes !!:sad2:


Strength through joy
A teen playing the knockout game in Las Vegas failed to knock out his would-be female victim, only to have her turn on him and beat him until her boyfriend intervened, sparing the hapless attacker further pain.
The incident took place in a mall after the attacker swung at the woman with no effect. She then pulled him to the floor and began beating him. A video of the incident posted at OpposingViews.com shows that her boyfriend also punched the attacker once he realized the teen had tried to knock his girlfriend out.
The incident in Las Vegas left the attacker lying face down on the mall floor, writhing in pain. The would-be victim and her boyfriend walked off and continued shopping.


Staff member
A teen playing the knockout game in Las Vegas failed to knock out his would-be female victim, only to have her turn on him and beat him until her boyfriend intervened, sparing the hapless attacker further pain.
The incident took place in a mall after the attacker swung at the woman with no effect. She then pulled him to the floor and began beating him. A video of the incident posted at OpposingViews.com shows that her boyfriend also punched the attacker once he realized the teen had tried to knock his girlfriend out.
The incident in Las Vegas left the attacker lying face down on the mall floor, writhing in pain. The would-be victim and her boyfriend walked off and continued shopping.

Oh my God, he's black. Who would have guessed...


Inordinately Right
A teen playing the knockout game in Las Vegas failed to knock out his would-be female victim, only to have her turn on him and beat him until her boyfriend intervened, sparing the hapless attacker further pain.
The incident took place in a mall after the attacker swung at the woman with no effect. She then pulled him to the floor and began beating him. A video of the incident posted at OpposingViews.com shows that her boyfriend also punched the attacker once he realized the teen had tried to knock his girlfriend out.
The incident in Las Vegas left the attacker lying face down on the mall floor, writhing in pain. The would-be victim and her boyfriend walked off and continued shopping.
Las Vegas Police Department spokesman Larry Hadfield told TheBlaze Monday it appears the involved individuals had contact with each other before.
“This incident does not suggest it would be related to any random incident like a ‘knockout’ type game,” he said, noting it “remains under investigation.”
“It (the police report) does not suggest this was just a person running up to somebody,” Hadfield added. “There was prior contact.”

Nevertheless, police said the victim does not want to prosecute and no serious injuries were reported.

Anyone else find it strange that the woman doesn't want to press charges? I wonder what happened between these two people before this happened.


Inordinately Right
which victim ?
The woman, but good point. That question probably has something to do with why she's not pressing charges.

The guy was on the ground clearly no longer a threat because he was getting a beat down from the woman(deservedly so), and the boyfriend runs over and kicks him in the face and proceeds to beat him some more. Kind of overkill. Probably pure adrenaline, I might have done the same.
But the boyfriend definitely opened himself up to his own level of guilt in the situation.

You'd think they would have wanted to restrain him so he could be arrested and locked up, instead they chose to give him a beat down and then not press charges.....strange. I'd still like to know what happened between them before this all went down.


Strength through joy
According to the posted video of the mall beating , whatever happened earlier has no bearing .
The youth is seen as running from a distance towards the woman while someone else is positioned to record it . That shows the incident was planned and not some random attack .