I knew it. Lol I thought I could make out the selector switch. Nice, very nice.
Yeah, on 3-burst if you pull the trigger fast enough it’s pretty close to a full automatic feel. Your aim will be all over the place but you’ll get a lot of lead down range really really fast.
I took it out to the woods last year, a couple of random guys were there shooting. So I popped in a 45-round mag and hammered on the trigger as fast as I could. I must’ve emptied that mag in around 5 seconds. Those dudes looked at me all wide eyed, “So, uh… How’d you get the automatic?” Hahaha. There was another group I didn’t see shooting in a pit nearby, a couple minutes after I let loose with my M16 they came walking by with their rifle cases. “You’re gonna get the sheriff out here real quick! We’re leaving!”
I said relax guys it’s a 3-shot burst and I can legally own it. They ended up sticking around and I even let them shoot my M16. None of them had 5.56 so they traded 9mm for some. I’m generous but not that generous. That was good times.