Police Brutality & Executions


Got the T-Shirt

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Did you see or hear anything implying the cop was racist other than he is white and the victim is black? I only mentioned race because some headlines are already playing the race card. Pointless since the cop already got charged.

You absolutely have blinders on. First things first, lets identify the players.

White Cop pulls over 50 year old man for a "Tail light" out. What should be a routine FIXIT ticket ends up with this WHITE cop getting the man out of the car. A verbal confrontation ensues as the driver more than likely asked why he was being asked out of the car. The officer engages and for some reason (according to him) he decides to tase the driver.

The driver ( a black man) probably with full knowledge of EVERY other shooting between a white cop and black man, finds himself at the mercy of this cop. Its clear from the videos, that "fight or flight" for this black man were his options.

We dont know what the officer was saying to this black man that made him resort to "fight or flight". This black man decided to "FLEE" as part of "fight or flight" because he most likely FEARED this white cop.

The Officer, having ZERO REASON to shoot this man, did so with forethought. He KNEW he would most likely be able to get away with "I feared for my life from the criminal black man" like every other white cop does.

Then he shoots this man in the back for NO legitimate reason other than he was black. This is how little white people care about black people. I guarantee you that if the driver was white, he would have never have taken him out of the car, never got into a verbal confrontation and NEVER would have shot at him. BUT, as you racists know, all black men werent created equal.

This officer in his report claimed he feared for his life. What a crock of crap. If he was meaning that a foot pursue would have ended up with him having a heart attack and dying, then I would understand, but standing there without a threat to his life, taking out his pistol and shooting this man in the back 8 times shows us how little he cared about this mans life.

Secondly, the black officer who comes to the scene while this officer plants a taser at the body should also be fired and charged with conspiracy. The black officer witnessed the dropping of the taser and yet in his report LEFT THAT OUT.

I get it, its a brotherhood, but this was murder.

Chock another one up for "americas finest".



Well-Known Troll
And the award for the biggest forum race baiter goes to........THE OTHER SIDE!

Making some outrageous "blanket statements" about the entire white race. Good job, old chum


Well-Known Member
The man is clearly unarmed so why not shoot for a leg at least. The real question for me is what and how are these officers trained and then what are they told on a daily basis? Too many people are being shot starting from the most minor infractions. How does it escalate to this point and what is the thinking process, a decision tree if you will, of when the weapon comes out and the trigger is pulled?
The man is not armed, and he is suspected of a broken tail light. The officer has the victims car. Why even bother to pursue, let alone shoot?

Perhaps this country doesn't only have a 'Black Problem' as RB1 posted, but a 'Police Problem' as well.


Strength through joy
It is procedure to run the stopped vehicle's driver . In this case a check would have shown that there were outstanding warrants for arrest of this man . Maybe knowing that he would be placed under arrest is the reason for his running .


Staff member
How about no shots? You got the guys car, you know who he is, he's fleeing on foot (cuz you got his car) and doesn't look to be in all that great running shape. Just call for back up and chase him down. I can't imagine what was going through that cops head to just shoot him in the back like that.


swollen member
How about no shots? You got the guys car, you know who he is, he's fleeing on foot (cuz you got his car) and doesn't look to be in all that great running shape. Just call for back up and chase him down. I can't imagine what was going through that cops head to just shoot him in the back like that.

I agree... what an idiot. BUT we only seen the ending of the what had happened.


Staff member
I agree... what an idiot. BUT we only seen the ending of the what had happened.
True but does it really matter? Even if they were tussling prior to the shooting you can't say you were in fear for your life when a guy is literally running away from you as fast as he can. I feel pretty confident in saying that no where in that officer's training was he told it was justified to gun down a fleeing unarmed suspect.


swollen member
True but does it really matter? Even if they were tussling prior to the shooting you can't say you were in fear for your life when a guy is literally running away from you as fast as he can. I feel pretty confident in saying that no where in that officer's training was he told it was justified to gun down a fleeing unarmed suspect.

dude is effed for sure... I'd throw the book at him.


Well-Known Troll
Maybe knowing that he would be placed under arrest is the reason for his running .

Thia statement is in NO WAY condoning what this former cop did, but since when is getting out of your car and running away from a cop ever a good idea?

Bad calls were made by both parties, with ones bad decision resulting in a mans death. It's tragic, yet like all the other cases of "white cops killing unarmed blacks" (for tos) had the victims just stopped what they were doing and complied, they WOULD NOT be deceased

Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
Thia statement is in NO WAY condoning what this former cop did, but since when is getting out of your car and running away from a cop ever a good idea?

Bad calls were made by both parties, with ones bad decision resulting in a mans death. It's tragic, yet like all the other cases of "white cops killing unarmed blacks" (for tos) had the victims just stopped what they were doing and complied, they WOULD NOT be deceased

Since when did, running from a cop equal execution? Is this America or DPRK?

I make bad calls everyday. I'm a human being. Should I be executed for it?


Inordinately Right
The most important thing about this whole case is what happened between the shooting and when the video was released.
Chances are that this police officer would have gotten away with murder if not for the video.


Well-Known Member
Thia statement is in NO WAY condoning what this former cop did, but since when is getting out of your car and running away from a cop ever a good idea?...

Not verified, but it seems the victim was worried he'd be hauled off to jail for 'failure to pay child-support'.

Still not a reason for a cop to shoot you in the back.

Murder, plain and simple.


Well-Known Troll
Not verified, but it seems the victim was worried he'd be hauled off to jail for 'failure to pay child-support'.

Still not a reason for a cop to shoot you in the back.

Murder, plain and simple.

I completely agree, the cops response was well out of proportion to whatever the victim did. Just saying, the whole altercation could have been avoided had Mr Scott just decided NOT to run away from a cop.