Did you see or hear anything implying the cop was racist other than he is white and the victim is black? I only mentioned race because some headlines are already playing the race card. Pointless since the cop already got charged.
You absolutely have blinders on. First things first, lets identify the players.
White Cop pulls over 50 year old man for a "Tail light" out. What should be a routine FIXIT ticket ends up with this WHITE cop getting the man out of the car. A verbal confrontation ensues as the driver more than likely asked why he was being asked out of the car. The officer engages and for some reason (according to him) he decides to tase the driver.
The driver ( a black man) probably with full knowledge of EVERY other shooting between a white cop and black man, finds himself at the mercy of this cop. Its clear from the videos, that "fight or flight" for this black man were his options.
We dont know what the officer was saying to this black man that made him resort to "fight or flight". This black man decided to "FLEE" as part of "fight or flight" because he most likely FEARED this white cop.
The Officer, having ZERO REASON to shoot this man, did so with forethought. He KNEW he would most likely be able to get away with "I feared for my life from the criminal black man" like every other white cop does.
Then he shoots this man in the back for NO legitimate reason other than he was black. This is how little white people care about black people. I guarantee you that if the driver was white, he would have never have taken him out of the car, never got into a verbal confrontation and NEVER would have shot at him. BUT, as you racists know, all black men werent created equal.
This officer in his report claimed he feared for his life. What a crock of crap. If he was meaning that a foot pursue would have ended up with him having a heart attack and dying, then I would understand, but standing there without a threat to his life, taking out his pistol and shooting this man in the back 8 times shows us how little he cared about this mans life.
Secondly, the black officer who comes to the scene while this officer plants a taser at the body should also be fired and charged with conspiracy. The black officer witnessed the dropping of the taser and yet in his report LEFT THAT OUT.
I get it, its a brotherhood, but this was murder.
Chock another one up for "americas finest".