Police Brutality & Executions


Well-Known Member
The media is failing to tell everyone a key fact about the Baltimore protests/violence.

Reported by the NYTimes two days ago.

Meanwhile the RW pushes more violence:

Baltimore has a long history of poor race relations. Randy Newman wrote a song about it way back before a lot of you were born:



Well-Known Member
Wow. You found one. One.

The rest of your "findings" are irrelevant at best.
No, I posted one. There were others, but I would have thought the the 'liberal' paper of record would have sufficed.

WND is hardly a reputable source, and they published AFTER the NY Times, and other actual news sources.

Talk about irrelevance.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
No, I posted one. There were others, but I would have thought the the 'liberal' paper of record would have sufficed.

WND is hardly a reputable source, and they published AFTER the NY Times, and other actual news sources.

Talk about irrelevance.
You don't get it. The point is that MOST of the outlets are avoiding the issue. Whether or not you believe WND is a reputable source doesn't have an affect on the validity of the article.


Well-Known Member
You don't get it. The point is that MOST of the outlets are avoiding the issue. Whether or not you believe WND is a reputable source doesn't have an affect on the validity of the article.
They picked up the story and embellished it AFTER the NY Times reported it.

My beliefs have no more weight than yours, but the WND is rightfully known as a 'conspiracy theory' site.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
They picked up the story and embellished it AFTER the NY Times reported it.

My beliefs have no more weight than yours, but the WND is rightfully known as a 'conspiracy theory' site.

You are still missing the point. And it's not who reported it first. And like it or not WND is just as much a reputable source as any liberal outlet. And that's not saying much.


Well-Known Member
On July 15, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) sent 13 law-enforcement officers to execute a paramilitary raid on a no-kill animal shelter in Kenosha. The crime? The shelter was harboring a fawn that had been abandoned by its mother and named Giggles by shelter volunteers. The shelter intended to turn the animal over to a wildlife reserve the next day, but that was not good enough for the DNR. Wisconsin law forbids the possession of wildlife, so DNR sent the heavily armed team to capture and euthanize Giggles.

Eleven days later and less than 100 miles away, staff at a nursing home in the Chicago suburb of Park Forest called paramedics after 95-year-old World War II veteran John Wrana, suffering from a delusional episode, refused medical treatment. The paramedics in turn called the police, which further agitated Wrana, who threatened them with his cane and a knife. The police responded by shooting Wrana with stun guns and bean bags fired from a shotgun. Wrana died from internal bleeding shortly thereafter.

A generation ago, it is unlikely that either of these situations would have elicited such a violent response from law enforcement. But over the last 40 years, police have moved steadily towards increasing levels of force and militarization with little regard for the situation. Journalist Radley Balko has been documenting this phenomenon for nearly a decade, and in Rise of the Warrior Cop he explains how America has been transformed into a country where police conduct something on the order of 50,000 SWAT raids a year.

Balko starts with the provocative proposition that police as we know them in modern America are unconstitutional. “The Founders and their contemporaries would probably have seen even the early-nineteenth-century police forces as a standing army, and a particularly odious one at that,” Balko writes. “Just before the American Revolution, it wasn’t the stationing of British troops in the colonies that irked patriots in Boston and Virginia; it was the England’s decision to use the troops for everyday law enforcement.”

How Police Became A Standing Army


golden ticket member
Barack Obama today ripped on the nation’s police forces for targeting poor African-Americans which he says started in Ferguson, Missouri.

Evidently he missed the fact that a grand jury his DOJ exonerated Officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of robber Michael Brown.

Also he mentioned something about poor black youth being bored......rich white youth are bored too !! Divider in chief marches on !


Strength through joy
Maybe all these bored people wouldn't be bored if they had jobs . But all the good jobs were given away to all the border jumpers per order of the White House .


Well-Known Member
At peaceful union protest, undercover cops called out as agent provocateurs attempting to provoke violence in order to turn the event into something else. Union leader steps up and stops a situation from going bad where "law enforcement" becomes "law breakers!"



Staff member


Well-Known Member
MLB has decided to move today's game between the White Sox and Orioles to a 2:05 pm start AND has closed the stadium. That's right----there will be no fans allowed inside the stadium to watch the game. They have also moved the weekend series w/Tampa down to Florida w/Baltimore as the home team.