Police Brutality & Executions


Bad Moon Risen'
Yep...and be sure to watch the evening news when we riot, burn our city down and run around with our pants halfway down our ass as we loot.



Parts on Order
It is easy for people to post here and say things like that and paint with a broad brush when the media magnifies every incident of the minute fraction of bad or stupid police officers or worse yet only show one side of the story. Because of the fact that we all have chosen to make a different living, we will never know what it is like to leave for work and not know if we may be shot at that day and not come home to our families. What is like to walk up to a car with tinted windows so you can't see inside, to serve a warrant and the women of the house has a shot gun hidden in the baby's crib, to be a Dallas Police officer and to run toward the gun fire not away like everyone else, to sit on watch on a New York street and be assassinated and never go home to your three children.
The officer in question no matter what his color or ethnicity by all appearances and reports did something extremely wrong and a life was lost because of it. He will pay a heavy price. Let's not denigrate the majority of men and women in blue that go to work every day and night to protect us.

Choices? I was out of the Marine Corps for 3 years, married with kids, walked into a prior Marine recruiter and said, I want to go to Iraq. Got an extension on my contract, attached to a deploying unit and was overseas 6 months later. There I enjoyed the sounds of AK-47s, RPKs, RPGs, and of course IEDs, which were everywhere and no where. Damn things would be in the middle of no where. My favorite sound was my M4, her name was Leah, keep me warm every night. Having been in a dangerous environment makes me have 0 sympathy for cops. There is no war zone here and they are not Marines or Soldiers. I do respect their position but will never cry blue tears.

To me firemen/women are the ones willing to risk their lives. A fireman will run into a burning building because he/she thinks someone is inside. A cop will shoot a 12 old boy because he thought he had a gun.

You posted your kids are LEOs. I wish you and your family the best.


Parts on Order
And he should be held responsible and face a jury ...... guilty

I agree but that rarely happens. The last cop to get real time for murder was the Charelston cop. He even want as far to plant his taser on the body to claim, I feared for my life," to cover his actions. And lets be real, if there was no video of the actual events he would've walked. Dead men/women tell no tale.


I agree but that rarely happens. The last cop to get real time for murder was the Charelston cop. He even want as far to plant his taser on the body to claim, I feared for my life," to cover his actions. And lets be real, if there was no video of the actual events he would've walked. Dead men/women tell no tale.

Don't tell that to the folks on Law and Order svu


Strength through joy
Justine Damond killer cop says she 'startled' him | Daily Mail Online

EXCLUSIVE: Killer cop says he shot Justine Damond because he was 'startled' by her when she ran towards his car in the dark after loud noise - and had no idea she was 911 caller
  • Mohamed Noor has not spoken to state investigators about why he shot Justine Damond in Minneapolis on Saturday - but has given an account to friends
  • They have spoken to DailyMail.com and revealed his first detailed version of how he shot the bride-to-be, 40, after she called 911
  • Noor says she approached their police cruiser in the dark after a loud bang and that he could not tell what she was carrying, so he shot her
  • He was 'startled' and the cruiser's lights were off at the time, he has told friends
  • Noor, a Somali-born American has also said he feels isolated for his race and friend said: 'His feeling is 'I am an immigrant, a Muslim and not white.''
  • Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension issued statement on Tuesday night revealing he had declined to be interviewed by its investigators

I heard he was assigned to one of the safest areas of the city and makes the claim that fireworks startled him .
Who the heck fires from the passenger seat ?
The Obama DOJ mandated his hiring .