Police Brutality & Executions


Strength through joy
Cop who shot dead Justine Damond offers condolences | Daily Mail Online

Autopsy results reveal Damond, who was wearing her pyjamas when she was shot by policeman Noor, died as a result of a homicide.

The chilling moments directly after she was killed were captured on an audio exchange between dispatch and the officers involved, on the websiteMinnesota PoliceClips.

The call begins just before 11.28pm on Saturday night, when an officer can be heard saying there is a 'female screaming behind the building'.

The officer says they are performing CPR after 'shots fired and one down' and call for other units, including medical, to come to 'Code 3, Washburn and 53rd St'.

'No suspects at large,' the cop told the dispatcher after around a minute.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Thats just crazy. I wont be suprised if the cop walks away free. The famous cop saying, "I feared for my life", covers every situation.



Well-Known Member
reports are he was spooked by the sound of fireworks going off nearby in which case he should be jailed for stupidity.
He also had three complaints lodged against him in his two years as a cop. And interesting to note the Washington Post never mentioned his ethnicity or name when reporting this, although it was already out there.

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
I forgot about cop excuse #2. "It was an accident, sorry about that."
It is easy for people to post here and say things like that and paint with a broad brush when the media magnifies every incident of the minute fraction of bad or stupid police officers or worse yet only show one side of the story. Because of the fact that we all have chosen to make a different living, we will never know what it is like to leave for work and not know if we may be shot at that day and not come home to our families. What is like to walk up to a car with tinted windows so you can't see inside, to serve a warrant and the women of the house has a shot gun hidden in the baby's crib, to be a Dallas Police officer and to run toward the gun fire not away like everyone else, to sit on watch on a New York street and be assassinated and never go home to your three children.
The officer in question no matter what his color or ethnicity by all appearances and reports did something extremely wrong and a life was lost because of it. He will pay a heavy price. Let's not denigrate the majority of men and women in blue that go to work every day and night to protect us.