Over 7000 members viewed this post but only 165 members voted. I'm a no vote but I can't even blame the yes voters. At least they know what they want. No wonder are contracts are crap or just ok. You can't blame the IBT 100% for this. The members are the biggest problem. If they would get in evolved union would o strong. We don't need to go on strike all the time. We did have the company by the balls on this one and people were so wearied about the healthcare that we missed all the other issues at hand. Some people think that all the good this we get in are contracts are because the company is nice and the just say here. It's because the union and the members fought and sacrifice for what we have. The non voters you should be ashamed of yourselves.
This is true.
Over 7k views i'm sure at LEAST 1,000 of them are unique views and only about 165 votes. Now this is just a poll for the hell of it and no one HAS to participate but this is soooo an indicator of the real world with our union. A lot of hooting and hollering but when it's time to get our hands dirty (going to meetings, calling, emailing and contacting our reps to let them know how we feel, doing things to get the word out like printing info and handing it out etc...) alot of cold feet appear, so you know what, I can't even blame if things don't go our way until I see us actually take a stand.
People WAKE UP! Our FUTURE is on the line and WE control the destiny of it. Thats IF get involved or we can lay down and take whatever our negotiators partnered, yes partnered with UPS want to lay on us .which for alot of us is not the best that can be had.