Pope Francis says Catholic Church banning priests from engaging in sex is 'temporary' (On Topic Only)


All Trash No Trailer
I’m not upset over Kennedy being assassinated, either. Historical facts will do that. I’m fascinated you find it fascinating.


Well-Known Member
You've said over and over, long before the student loan idea, that I'm against all government programs that don't benefit me. Name them!
I'm not going to do your work for you. I'm not the one crying about what you and the MAGA's continue to claim to be government overspending.

Perry and his so called 'Freedom Caucus" are demanding a 25% cut in all federal programs except defense for the next DECADE or they claim to have the votes in the House to kill any budget deal that without it would throw the federal government in default. The dollar would no longer be the world's reserve currency, Imagine what that would do for you cheap oil guys. There would be no way to price it .

Perry doesn't care about the consequences. That's somebody else's problem. All he wants is a political victory`.

So you tell me....Do you support Scott Perry's demands for a 25% cut for at least a decade? No need for you to go cherry picking. It's everything except defense. Of course Perry wouldn't want to see his weekend warrior military pension be impacted by a cut to defense spending.


Well-Known Member
The obvious reason why they are considering dropping the celibacy requirement thereby allowing priests to do the barnyard thing with anyone of legal age willing to do it with them is because it's the only way they're going to get anyone to take the job. If one of them likes a boy now and then you think the Vatican is going to care? They never did before . So why do you think they would now?


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to do your work for you. I'm not the one crying about what you and the MAGA's continue to claim to be government overspending.

Perry and his so called 'Freedom Caucus" are demanding a 25% cut in all federal programs except defense for the next DECADE or they claim to have the votes in the House to kill any budget deal that without it would throw the federal government in default. The dollar would no longer be the world's reserve currency, Imagine what that would do for you cheap oil guys. There would be no way to price it .

Perry doesn't care about the consequences. That's somebody else's problem. All he wants is a political victory`.

So you tell me....Do you support Scott Perry's demands for a 25% cut for at least a decade? No need for you to go cherry picking. It's everything except defense. Of course Perry wouldn't want to see his weekend warrior military pension be impacted by a cut to defense spending.


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to do your work for you. I'm not the one crying about what you and the MAGA's continue to claim to be government overspending.

Perry and his so called 'Freedom Caucus" are demanding a 25% cut in all federal programs except defense for the next DECADE or they claim to have the votes in the House to kill any budget deal that without it would throw the federal government in default. The dollar would no longer be the world's reserve currency, Imagine what that would do for you cheap oil guys. There would be no way to price it .

Perry doesn't care about the consequences. That's somebody else's problem. All he wants is a political victory`.

So you tell me....Do you support Scott Perry's demands for a 25% cut for at least a decade? No need for you to go cherry picking. It's everything except defense. Of course Perry wouldn't want to see his weekend warrior military pension be impacted by a cut to defense spending.
Doing my work for me? You're the one who has constantly made the claim that I only support programs that benefit me. So tell me which programs I'm against?

Biden put forth a nearly $7 trillion budget. Think maybe we could trim some fat off of that? Where do you draw the line? Can we spend whatever we like with no consequences? We've borrowed and printed our way to what us it now? Over $31 trillion in debt? And with the raising of interest rates we're now paying record amounts of interest to service that debt. At some point hard choices will have to be made. Reducing every program by a considerable amount is a very good first step. Better that than see the government collapse and no one gets anything. Or is that what you want?


Binge Poster
You need to not attack your fellow posters. People are allowed to disagree with you without being labeled any of the names that you posted.

You kept it purposefully vague, so that you have plausible deniability, but it was inappropriate, and massively passive aggressive towards those who disagree with you.

If I held this post to the same standard that I’ve seen others held to, this thread would be deleted because of that language.
I see your point.

Please accept my apologies.

If possible would you be so kind as to delete that sentence from the original post?


I will try to be more careful in the future.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
The Catholic Church has so many man made rules that has nothing to do with the Bible. I guess doing natural rituals makes one feel spiritual.

I do remember years ago a friend of mine said he went to the Catholic Church at times. He said he didn’t really believe in it but when he left he felt like he did something after going through the rituals.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
The Catholic Church has so many man made rules that has nothing to do with the Bible. I guess doing natural rituals makes one feel spiritual.

I do remember years ago a friend of mine said he went to the Catholic Church at times. He said he didn’t really believe in it but when he left he felt like he did something after going through the rituals.
Do you exercise your muscles to tone and improve them?

Spiritual exercises do the same for your Will, and Conscience. Improving your integrity and morality is the end goal, and is beneficial for you AND society.

But you keep ridiculing things you know nothing about.


Binge Poster
The Catholic Church has so many man made rules that has nothing to do with the Bible. I guess doing natural rituals makes one feel spiritual.
It is my understanding, however limited, that the theory of Sola Scriptura is not a teaching of the Catholic Church.

I don’t hold to this teaching either, but I do know, based upon my experience of attending an evangelical church for coming on 3 decades, that this theory has been behind many criticisms that I have heard against the Catholic Church.
I do remember years ago a friend of mine said he went to the Catholic Church at times. He said he didn’t really believe in it but when he left he felt like he did something after going through the rituals.
IMO There is something beautiful and special about liturgical style worship service. I grew up attending these types of services and I still love them.

In fact, I rarely miss the Daily TV Mass out of Toronto, Canada.


Well-Known Member
Do you exercise your muscles to tone and improve them?

Spiritual exercises do the same for your Will, and Conscience. Improving your integrity and morality is the end goal, and is beneficial for you AND society.

But you keep ridiculing things you know nothing about.
Jesus always came against the pharisees because they created a system of rules & regulations that made it appear to outsiders that they were holy & righteous. This system I believe was created by rabbis in the intertestamental period & put in the Talmud. These "laws" were not from God but from men.
When "Bible alone" people see the Catholic system it reminds them of the man made religion of the pharisees. People who appear to be holy.
Christianity is not so much an outward religion (in showmanship) but a change of the heart.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I would comment but a Catholic Priest is nowhere to be found in the Scripture.
But this is…
“Call no man your Father on this earth, for there is only one who is your Father in heaven.” - Matthew 23: 9
Also Peter says we (Christians) are all in the priesthood “ and you are living stones, being built up in a spiritual household ( the church) to be a holy priesthood “ -1 Peter 2:9
Also speaking to Christians…
“But you are a chosen people , a royal priesthood, a holy nation..” - 1 Peter 2:9
Add to that, Paul told Timothy that there was but one mediator between God and man and that is Jesus Christ. - 1 Timothy 2:5
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Binge Poster
I would comment but a Catholic Priest is nowhere to be found in the Scripture.
But this is…
“Call no man your Father on this earth, for there is only one who is your Father in heaven.” - Matthew 23: 9
Also Peter says we (Christians) are all in the priesthood “ and you are living stones, being built up in a spiritual household ( the church) to be a holy priesthood “ -1 Peter 2:9
Also speaking to Christians…
“But you are a chosen people , a royal priesthood, a holy nation..” - 1 Peter 2:9
Add to that, Paul told Timothy that there was but one mediator between God and man and that is Jesus Christ. - 1 Timothy 2:5
For reference please include translation/ version of the Bible you are using when citing scripture.



Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
For reference please include translation/ version of the Bible you are using when citing scripture.

I’ve told you before. Most are probably NKJ or ESV. You can reference the next sentence yourself to my past comments.

Look it up yourself!

But why? Ask the Holy Spirit that’s personally/literally inside you. I’m sure he’ll tell you.
You are the Word of God personified!


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Have we already forgotten the Holy Spirit of God communicated directly to you that homosexuality was no longer an abomination and gay marriage was acceptable in His sight?
Ask Him . You need not worry about trivial matters of translations when you have this kind of communication going on.
Why would I care how you twist the scripture? For that matter, why do you?
For someone that has a personal/direct/literal indwelling of the Holy Spirit, that direct line to God would negate any and all that's been written( as has been proven by your comments that are the polar opposite of what is written) in scripture. You are the Word of God personified.
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