Pope Francis says Catholic Church banning priests from engaging in sex is 'temporary' (On Topic Only)


Well-Known Member
It's the one you've single out simply because you won't be able to collect from it. You could have gone to college too but didn't. So who's fault is that? A number of student loans are held by banks. Today's headlines should tell you just exactly what the real driver behind student loan forgiveness really is.
You've been saying forever that I'm against everything that doesn't benefit me directly. So name these programs already!


Well-Known Member
Yes, my Bible is accusing you of being lost because you deny Christ. You’re such an angry, upset human being L O L seems we struck a nerve. It’s not too late for you. I’ll keep praying for you buddy.

And I’ll explain something to you real nice and slow there’s only one “man”talking here. The other person is a reprobate. And a truth twister.
No your bible is silent. I've read enough biblical text to know that it's silent You're the one who has taken it upon yourself to question the character of a person you've never met and wouldn't know if you passed on the street. On the basis of these facts do you think I actually care what YOUR bible says or does not say?

If you want to be controlled by an ancient religious text that was written when the western world wasn't even known to exist...that's fine.....But the fact that I don't allow that same piece of ancient text to control every aspect of my life does not make me a less fit and productive member of this society.


Well-Known Member
You've been saying forever that I'm against everything that doesn't benefit me directly. So name these programs already!
The very same Democrat progressive policies are the ones that created both the programs that you will not benefit from and the ones in which you will.

The thing to remember is that the 1.56 trillion in student loans are unlike a mortgage that is collateralized by a tangible asset students loans are not collateralized by anything other than the future earnings of the student.

Don't worry about the student they will still be liable for the majority of their indebtedness (average 33K). The lending institution and the well being of the trillions in consumer bank customer deposits is what's hanging in the balance.


Well-Known Member
The very same Democrat progressive policies are the ones that created both the programs that you will not benefit from and the ones in which you will.

The thing to remember is that the 1.56 trillion in student loans are unlike a mortgage that is collateralized by a tangible asset students loans are not collateralized by anything other than the future earnings of the student.

Don't worry about the student they will still be liable for the majority of their indebtedness (average 33K). The lending institution and the well being of the trillions in consumer bank customer deposits is what's hanging in the balance.
And don’t forget Obama, who indentured them into servitude and debt slavery. Since you can’t stand on your own 2 feet and answer my question, I answered it for you. Be a man.


Well-Known Member
Why do you continue to make yourself look this way? You don’t believe, just admit it. It’s fine no one’s forcing you. It’s not our fault you’re infatuated with it. It’s kind of creepy and sad. I’m gonna pray for you.

And I questioned your character way I thought anything about Christianity don’t worry lol. on the basis of these packs, do you think I care what you say?
I look just fine. If a person is a fit and productive member of this society with a proven record of socially responsible behavior that is ALL that I and this representative democracy has right to expect from them . Just as their religion is their right so is the right FROM religion. This nation is NOT a theocracy.


Well-Known Member
And don’t forget Obama, who indentured them into servitude and debt slavery. Since you can’t stand on your own 2 feet and answer my question, I answered it for you. Be a man.
YOU not ME is the one who continues to lament and cry over what you believe to be government overspending. Therefore is it incumbent on YOU to go down through the federal budget and evaluate the cost and benefit of every federal social program and identify the ones you want eliminated,


Well-Known Member
YOU not ME is the one who continues to lament and cry over what you believe to be government overspending. Therefore is it incumbent on YOU to go down through the federal budget and evaluate the cost and benefit of every federal social program and identify the ones you want eliminated,


Well-Known Member
YOU not ME is the one who continues to lament and cry over what you believe to be government overspending. Therefore is it incumbent on YOU to go down through the federal budget and evaluate the cost and benefit of every federal social program and identify the ones you want eliminated,


Well-Known Member
You’re really going down some rabbit holes I have no idea what you’re talking about but you just enjoy your little tantrum.
Is that the best response you can come up with? " Rabbit holes"? You're the one who has been diving into rabbit holes all evening when you met up with a person who refuses to be thought upon as a lesser human being simply because he rejects attempts by others to be pressured into embracing a certain religious ideology they embrace when he is completely capable making those choices himself.

A person's religion like his death is and always will be what it has always been.....A private matter.


Well-Known Member
The very same Democrat progressive policies are the ones that created both the programs that you will not benefit from and the ones in which you will.

The thing to remember is that the 1.56 trillion in student loans are unlike a mortgage that is collateralized by a tangible asset students loans are not collateralized by anything other than the future earnings of the student.

Don't worry about the student they will still be liable for the majority of their indebtedness (average 33K). The lending institution and the well being of the trillions in consumer bank customer deposits is what's hanging in the balance.
Name the programs! You said it, prove it!


Catholic priests should be allowed to marry. There is no prohibition on priests marrying in the Bible. It’s unnatural and leads to perversion. You should not burn in lust, better to marry, celibacy isn’t for everyone, it should be the choice of the priest.

I’d get them all a vip pornhub membership and a recurring subscription to whatever their choice of lotion is
Problem solved


Staff member
Pope Francis says Catholic Church banning priests from engaging in sex is 'temporary' | Fox News

This current event is very interesting to me, thought I would share it here.

Note to the Religious, Bible, and political fanatics and extremists on the BC, you know who you are:

Please try to keep this post to the specific and direct topic of this current event.

I know it will be hard but I guess it can’t hurt to ask.

You need to not attack your fellow posters. People are allowed to disagree with you without being labeled any of the names that you posted.

You kept it purposefully vague, so that you have plausible deniability, but it was inappropriate, and massively passive aggressive towards those who disagree with you.

If I held this post to the same standard that I’ve seen others held to, this thread would be deleted because of that language.


Do you think everyone just caves into their lower nature? You do understand how grace works. Ask and you shall receive. The struggle has always been with self. Every man must call on Christ to heal their leprosy.

C’mon now chief you telling the class you don’t choke the chicken once in awhile


Well-Known Member
Name the programs! You said it, prove it!
Comes back to the same old question that has been put in front of MAGA conservatives...."Ok, where do you want to cut"? You are the one who keeps carping on this and pointlessly brought it up again tonight without ever identifying any individual program aside for student loan forgiveness.

I told you what the real danger is regarding student loan debt They are non collateralized loans. Now IRS can withhold income tax refunds just as they can in the case of back child support. But not much else Now if there is a rash of bank failures the FDIC could end up paying out just as much covering lost deposits as student loan forgiveness could cost.

One point I made crystal clear to you. I don't like the proposal which is a long way from becoming finished law. But it is important that the clear and present danger to the US banking system be completely understood.

Now again it comes back to the same old question Where do YOU want to start?


Well-Known Member
Comes back to the same old question that has been put in front of MAGA conservatives...."Ok, where do you want to cut"? You are the one who keeps carping on this and pointlessly brought it up again tonight without ever identifying any individual program aside for student loan forgiveness.

I told you what the real danger is regarding student loan debt They are non collateralized loans. Now IRS can withhold income tax refunds just as they can in the case of back child support. But not much else Now if there is a rash of bank failures the FDIC could end up paying out just as much covering lost deposits as student loan forgiveness could cost.

One point I made crystal clear to you. I don't like the proposal which is a long way from becoming finished law. But it is important that the clear and present danger to the US banking system be completely understood.

Now again it comes back to the same old question Where do YOU want to start?
You've said over and over, long before the student loan idea, that I'm against all government programs that don't benefit me. Name them!