Pope Francis says Catholic Church banning priests from engaging in sex is 'temporary' (On Topic Only)


Well-Known Member
Not advocated violence. The recorded history alone speaks for itself But I noticed that you left out the Old Testament What are you trying to sell here? A redacted version of biblical history that leaves out the parts you don't want people to know about? You're as bad as old King Jim.
If you are as familiar with Christianity as you claim you know the Old Testament was the Law of Moses, given to the Hebrews(Jews) and was the law of sin and death. Christians are under the New Testament, given to us by God through the Holy Spirit. Of course you knew all this already.


Well-Known Member
If you are as familiar with Christianity as you claim you know the Old Testament was the Law of Moses, given to the Hebrews(Jews) and was the law of sin and death. Christians are under the New Testament, given to us by God through the Holy Spirit. Of course you knew all this already.
We have a someone here, who is so “unconventionally” Christian that he mocks God, he’s proud, defiant and boastful, and says he will not apologize. He’s bitter and resentful. I invited him to participate in our Lord and Savior’s defeat of death, and the grave, and I also said, I hoped that he has salvation in eternity. He said none that to me.

As a Christian, I was taught you will know them by their fruit….


Well-Known Member
Does that cockeyed scheme include Social Security and Medicare, If it's a cockeyed scheme then why would ever entrust your future well being to this so called "cockeye scheme".?
Those aren't the latest schemes and you know it. Such as you supporting giving A HALF TRILLION to college grads. What could possibly go wrong with you in charge?


Well-Known Member
Those aren't the latest schemes and you know it. Such as you supporting giving A HALF TRILLION to college grads. What could possibly go wrong with you in charge?
Typical MAGA conservatism. The Democrat social programs that will materially benefit today's MAGA conservative will always be granted an exemption from the vile and wrath of today's MAGA conservative. Those that they won't qualify for are considered fair game.


Well-Known Member
Typical MAGA conservatism. The Democrat social programs that will materially benefit today's MAGA conservative will always be granted an exemption from the vile and wrath of today's MAGA conservative. Those that they won't qualify for are considered fair game.
The ones that will continue to run up the national debt when we're drowning in debt should be fair game. But you've never disliked a scheme that would blow through hundreds of billions with crooked politicians skimming off the top.


Well-Known Member
We have a someone here, who is so “unconventionally” Christian that he mocks God, he’s proud, defiant and boastful, and says he will not apologize. He’s bitter and resentful. I invited him to participate in our Lord and Savior’s defeat of death, and the grave, and I also said, I hoped that he has salvation in eternity. He said none that to me.

As a Christian, I was taught you will know them by their fruit….
You're drowning your own self righteousness. That " I'm a better human being that you are because I'M SAVED" is why pews are empty today. "Know them by their fruit" What does a fruit farmer have to do with it? Much of what we consume in the US today is imported.


Well-Known Member
The ones that will continue to run up the national debt when we're drowning in debt should be fair game. But you've never disliked a scheme that would blow through hundreds of billions with crooked politicians skimming off the top.
Once again you're deflecting, trying to exempt your favorite Democrat sponsored social programs from your contempt, You continue to bang endlessly on the proposed student loan forgiveness for the simple reason it's one you will not benefit from,

Typical MAGA conservativism, Giving the Democrats the back of one hand across their faces while holding their other hand out to collect every dime of every Democrat social program they can collect benefits from.


Well-Known Member
Lol keep dreaming it’s hilarious. You actually have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about but yet you continue on.😂😂😂 I’ll keep praying for you because you’re so lost.
Answer this question.....What gives you the RIGHT to accuse me of being so called "lost"? Answer it!


Well-Known Member
Answer this question.....What gives you the RIGHT to accuse me of being so called "lost"? Answer it!
The Bible. God’s holy word. I feel like this verse might apply to your current situation.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

I hope it helps you on your walk. Enjoy
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Well-Known Member
Once again you're deflecting, trying to exempt your favorite Democrat sponsored social programs from your contempt, You continue to bang endlessly on the proposed student loan forgiveness for the simple reason it's one you will not benefit from,

Typical MAGA conservativism, Giving the Democrats the back of one hand across their faces while holding their other hand out to collect every dime of every Democrat social program they can collect benefits from.
Tell me what Democratic programs out there that I'm against other than the ridiculous idea of spending half a trillion on college grads making up to $125k($250k for couples)?


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Do you actually think somebody's holy book in the bottom of a hotel night stand is going to have any bearing on what goes on in that hotel room that night?
Do you actually take obvious jokes way too seriously and blow them so far out of proportion that they become a trial in forensics where you debate an argument that wasn't even made?


Well-Known Member
Tell me what Democratic programs out there that I'm against other than the ridiculous idea of spending half a trillion on college grads making up to $125k($250k for couples)?
It's the one you've single out simply because you won't be able to collect from it. You could have gone to college too but didn't. So who's fault is that? A number of student loans are held by banks. Today's headlines should tell you just exactly what the real driver behind student loan forgiveness really is.


Well-Known Member
It's the one you've single out simply because you won't be able to collect from it. You could have gone to college too but didn't. So who's fault is that? A number of student loans are held by banks. Today's headlines should tell you just exactly what the real driver behind student loan forgiveness really is.
We’re waiting breathlessly for you to tell us? Your insight into these things is always spot on. 😂


Well-Known Member
The Bible. God’s holy word. I feel like this verse might apply to your current situation.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;

I hope it helps you on your walk. Enjoy
Your bible is NOT judging me or accusing me of being "lost". YOU are the one who is accusing me of being lost. Don't cop out by blaming your completely false and baseless judgement of my character on some ancient text that can be twisted and manipulated in countless ways in order to support any point of view the individual chooses.

For once man....stand on your own two feet and stand accountable for your comments.


Well-Known Member
They key number is 1.56 trillion. That is the amount of student loan debt held by public and private lending institutions. .
Kind of off topic for this discussion, but which party is responsible for not allowing these fine young people to discharge their terrible investments and loans? Effectively turning them into debt slaves. Answer me.!!!😂