Populist Indeed!


Staff member
He just got into office, not seeing anything but talk from the Russians so far. But it's a fact that the Russians invaded Ukraine after Obama's last election. Same election where they tried to pass off the killing of our Libyan ambassador as outrage over a YouTube video to make voters believe all was well under his direction.
He became president and Russia started talking post-west alignment.

Don't try to bring Obama into this.


Well-Known Member
I guess you need the government to tell you right from wrong, and decide what you're allowed to do with your own body.

I'm not sure why you think "if it feels good, do it" is a new idea. Horace wrote Odes over 2000 years ago. Carpe Diem is not a 21st century invention.

And just so you know, drug use has been on the decline across the board for 20 years, so your argument was invalid from the start.
I see a huge problem right now with heroin. Meth is still a problem. And how many states are considering legalizing pot? And you're twisting the meaning of carpe diem. And drug use is on the decline? Good, because it's much more ubiquitous than in the early 60's.


Inordinately Right
I see a huge problem right now with heroin. Meth is still a problem. And how many states are considering legalizing pot? And you're twisting the meaning of carpe diem. And drug use is on the decline? Good, because it's much more ubiquitous than in the early 60's.
I guess the difference between me and you is I want a small limited government and a lot of personal freedom and liberties. You want a big government that thinks and speaks for its citizens.

Different strokes for different folks.


Well-Known Member
He became president and Russia started talking post-west alignment.

Don't try to bring Obama into this.
Obama was caught on video telling puppet Russian president to tell Putin Obama would have a lot more flexibility after he won his last election. If you're going to suggest Trump colluded with the Russians before his election you'll have to own up to Obama. And what's humorous about all this is the Left is saying the hackers swayed the election. Why? Because they exposed what was going on behind the scenes with the collusion of Hillary's campaign, the DNC, and the media. Just who was rigging the election?


Well-Known Member
I guess the difference between me and you is I want a small limited government and a lot of personal freedom and liberties. You want a big government that thinks and speaks for its citizens.

Different strokes for different folks.
Nope, I'm not talking about the government running our lives oh liberal one. I'm talking about a society which aspires to better lives for it's citizens through personal responsibility, and not trying to eliminate everything that would remind them they have a responsibility to not only make their lives better, but to not hurt others around them.


Inordinately Right
Nope, I'm not talking about the government running our lives oh liberal one. I'm talking about a society which aspires to better lives for it's citizens through personal responsibility, and not trying to eliminate everything that would remind them they have a responsibility to not only make their lives better, but to not hurt others around them.
You defend big government telling people what they can do with their own bodies, but I'm the liberal? Maybe you're right, I guess the founders of this country must have been a bunch of liberals too.


Well-Known Member
You defend big government telling people what they can do with their own bodies, but I'm the liberal? Maybe you're right, I guess the founders of this country must have been a bunch of liberals too.
The founders wouldn't have imagined what's going on today. Again, you are defending the right to hurt oneself and all the attendant crime that goes with it.


Inordinately Right
The founders wouldn't have imagined what's going on today. Again, you are defending the right to hurt oneself and all the attendant crime that goes with it.
Yes, I am defending that right.

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it.
- Thomas Jefferson


Well-Known Member
Yes, I am defending that right.

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it.
- Thomas Jefferson
I believe Jefferson has numerous quotes about the importance of God in the strength of our nation and in our lives. Don't kid yourself into believing the founding fathers were for taking God completely out of public discourse. And to repeat, people who indulge in drugs, or abuse alcohol, are contributing to an environment with both higher crime and high social services costs. If that's the world you want, free to do whatever you like, nothing I say will mean anything to you.


Well-Known Member
Baloney, drugs are rampant, abortions are rampant, kids get drunk and cause accidents, etc, because they don't have a foundation to stand on. Not all teenagers, but certainly enough of a percentage to make society much harsher, much coarser, than when I was a kid. And it looks like the far Left wants it that way.

This is an odd post. Illicit drug use in teens is lower than it was 40 years ago. The lowest point was around 1992. There are fewer auto deaths and abortions are at their lowest level in 40 years.

I am from Appalachia. Very religious and quite conservative. Drug abuse is hitting the area hard. Teen pregnancy and abortion strikes harder there too. Sectarianism has not provided the area with better outcomes.

Given your age society was much, much harsher when you were a kid and teen. There was more violent crime and the homicide rate was higher too. Overall drug use and violent crime has decreased through both Democratic and Republican administrations.


Well-Known Member
This is an odd post. Illicit drug use in teens is lower than it was 40 years ago. The lowest point was around 1992. There are fewer auto deaths and abortions are at their lowest level in 40 years.

I am from Appalachia. Very religious and quite conservative. Drug abuse is hitting the area hard. Teen pregnancy and abortion strikes harder there too. Sectarianism has not provided the area with better outcomes.

Given your age society was much, much harsher when you were a kid and teen. There was more violent crime and the homicide rate was higher too. Overall drug use and violent crime has decreased through both Democratic and Republican administrations.
I guess it's the country adding well over 100,000,000 people since I was a kid that gives the sense that while the overall crime rate per 100,000 might be lower, the total number of crimes committed are higher.


Well-Known Member
I guess it's the country adding well over 100,000,000 people since I was a kid that gives the sense that while the overall crime rate per 100,000 might be lower, the total number of crimes committed are higher.

I think it's that and the media.


Wherever I see Trump, it smells like he's Putin.
This is an odd post. Illicit drug use in teens is lower than it was 40 years ago. The lowest point was around 1992. There are fewer auto deaths and abortions are at their lowest level in 40 years.

I am from Appalachia. Very religious and quite conservative. Drug abuse is hitting the area hard. Teen pregnancy and abortion strikes harder there too. Sectarianism has not provided the area with better outcomes.

Given your age society was much, much harsher when you were a kid and teen. There was more violent crime and the homicide rate was higher too. Overall drug use and violent crime has decreased through both Democratic and Republican administrations.

And, the new epidemic is cutting across age and income barriers. Soccer moms, lawyers, hell, even Rush Limbaugh got in on the action. Folks get an Oxy prescription from their doc, get hooked and can't afford it. They move on to heroin because it's similar enough and dirt cheap. Pharma can make less addictive pain killers. They choose not to.


Well-Known Member
Nixon was using the CIA and the FBI as his own private
if the charges are there and the votes are there then let the situation play itself out. Keep in mind it was the media you know the organization that Trump believes is an enemy of the American people is the same organization that exposed the Nixon crime syndicate that sent more that sent 40 members of his administration to jail. If Trump manages to stay in office until the mid term elections and he loses his Congressional majority it may usher in a new period of even greater political instability and if like Watergate captures the undivided attention of the nation it would be very unlikely that a foreign adversary would not try to capitalize on it.
You are entitled to your own opinion, however far fetched it might be. Obviously, we could not possibly share the same hopes that the man could perhaps usher in some reforms along the way.


Well-Known Member
Trump battled heel spurs, which kept him out of military service. Rush Limbaugh had anal cysts, one of which was removed and became Mitch McConnell. Few to none of the Right Wingers ever served and most dodged service however they could.
:laugh: It's true. Same with that fella Richard Blumenthal up in Connecticut. 5 deferments, until his luck finally ran out. Then landed a nice post in the Marine reserves, stateside. Whatever we should call it; Neocon, RINO's, Kosher Right, Tea party dudes, etc. These guys are all hacks.


Staff member
And, the new epidemic is cutting across age and income barriers. Soccer moms, lawyers, hell, even Rush Limbaugh got in on the action. Folks get an Oxy prescription from their doc, get hooked and can't afford it. They move on to heroin because it's similar enough and dirt cheap. Pharma can make less addictive pain killers. They choose not to.
It used to be considered a crime problem when it was crack in the inner cities and methods out in fly-over country. Now it's a health epidemic.


Well-Known Member
Instead of focusing on the latest theoretical science, we might be better off acquainting ourselves with the concept of Pathological Altruism and how it relates to the world views of people who believe that importing an unlimited number of repressed young male Muslims into a country with regular gay pride parades is what makes liberals morally superior to "xenophobes". When one considers the real damage done to society by people promoting policies that better gratifies their own need to project compassion instead of common sense. We set the world on fire.


Well-Known Member
Here we are, barely a month into the Trump presidency, and the war party in D.C. is in full tilt over those pesky Russians. If the globalists had souls one could almost feel sorry for them. After all, we were supposed to be in the opening rounds of WW 3 by now. “Madame President” was ready to extend the previous administration’s policy of escalation and provocation, deploying troops and missiles along Russia’s border. Increasing sanctions, and listening to the shrieking by the likes of losers like Lindsay Graham and John McCain.
Instead, the unthinkable happened: Working class voters in the American heartland (Heritage America) decided that they weren’t quite ready to commit cultural suicide. By the thinnest of margins, they elected the notorious Russian spy Donald Trump, some of whose campaign aides apparently had the temerity to be in contact with a foreign power in order to work for peace rather than endless war. ENDLESS WAR like Clinton's Kosovo, Bush's Global War on Terror which is actually gas on the fire, and the Hope and Change candidate being the biggest offender of them all. Meddling in multiple middle east countries, and propping up ISIS. Simply amazing.


Staff member
Instead of focusing on the latest theoretical science, we might be better off acquainting ourselves with the concept of Pathological Altruism and how it relates to the world views of people who believe that importing an unlimited number of repressed young male Muslims into a country with regular gay pride parades is what makes liberals morally superior to "xenophobes". When one considers the real damage done to society by people promoting policies that better gratifies their own need to project compassion instead of common sense. We set the world on fire.
You should apply to write for the Whitehouse.