Populist Indeed!


Well-Known Member
Another dyed in the wool conservative but in the end you'll be signing up for Social security Medicare, Medicaid when you're in a nursing home and your money's gone. Unemployment compensation when you lose your job through no fault of your own. You know, the programs we evil communist, socialist pinko progressive's fought the Republicans tooth and nail to get passed. Your wages going up? Not if you are employed by nonunion X or an XGround contractor. They and they alone decide your wages. Likewise we damn near got Pudzner as labor secretary who publicly stated his goal to eliminate the federal minimum wage had 60 federal wage and labor law violations on his resume and was quoted as calling blue collar workers as was pointed out earlier....' the worst of the worst". You're like Van. You talk the talk but won't walk the walk. You don't have to accept those federal benefits if you don't believe in them. And don't give me that " well I paid into them BS" If your conservative convictions are as strong as you profess then put them into actions not just words.
I keep forgetting that when SS and Medicare were created, made into law, they were only intended for Democrats. Never mind that Republicans pay into it too, and businessmen have to match employee contributions, only Democrats are eligible. People who believe in very different things concerning social values like abortion are traitors to labor by voting their conscience instead of supporting the Democrat Party, which the last election showed to be morally bankrupt. So we should just slave away and contribute but never collect. Absolutely one of the stupidest ideas I've ever seen anywhere but perfectly plausible to left wingnuts.


Well-Known Member
I keep forgetting that when SS and Medicare were created, made into law, they were only intended for Democrats. Never mind that Republicans pay into it too, and businessmen have to match employee contributions, only Democrats are eligible. People who believe in very different things concerning social values like abortion are traitors to labor by voting their conscience instead of supporting the Democrat Party, which the last election showed to be morally bankrupt. So we should just slave away and contribute but never collect. Absolutely one of the stupidest ideas I've ever seen anywhere but perfectly plausible to left wingnuts.
Tell me just what did your hard line conservative ideology actually do to directly improve your life? You worked for Smith until you couldn't work anymore. And what did you get out of it? A broken health and an eviscerated pension plan that won't even begin to take care of you . Therefore the reality is that you were not retired, you were disposed of. Yet you continue to condemn, vilify and demonize a political movement that will provide you with at least something in the future and they are programs have been around for so long that the new generation of Pseudo Cons believe that it's their birth right simply because they payed into it but in reality they can go away in a moment because all it takes is a congressional bill and a president's signature and their are plenty of votes in Congress now to do just that. With all due respect I suggest that you wake up to that reality. As for your self righteous morality the hard fact is this. This nation will never allow the Religious Right to use the hammer of law as a means to forcibly impose their religious views on the American people for the purpose of controlling their behavior.


Engorged Member
I don't know what the Michael Moore theory is but I'm sure it has something to do with a bunch of racist white guys that came running out of the woods yelling trump trump trump! The same racist white guys that voted Obama in 2008. I'm that guy. You know I'm white, my wife is white, my children are white( darker than me though cause they're adopted) but they act white, my house is white, and I wear whitey tighties. I'm tired of defending the stereotype. But I am intelligent enough to know what a superdelegate is and how stupid a registered democrat has to be to believe their primary vote mattered. As a registered republican my vote counted and I got to tell Jeb and the boys to go friend... themselves. It was great to see the end to two political dynasties, the Bushes and the Clintons.

You just basically articulated be the Michael Moore theory.


Engorged Member
1 month in and already folks in coal country are a lot happier. Union leaders are a lot happier. If the Dems had a spine in 2010 I'd still be working for a unionized Express. Plenty figured out before this election that Dems talk a big game, but aren't big on jobs. You may ultimately be right about Trump, but it was your party's inaction that drove quite a few Democrats to give Trump at least a chance.

Trump has done nothing for coal except talk about it. Between cheap natural gas and Chinese self-sourcing coal in a declining economy, coal isn't coming back.

That means Trump is lying. Unions? Same deal.


Well-Known Member
Broke is 0, we are now 20 trillion past broke. Social security is only 1/3 of the problem. About 75% of our country's budget is social security, defense, and the different health care programs. Our answer for everything the last 40 years was to throw money to it. We just can't afford it. Actually we never could afford it. How can anybody justify spending a trillion+ dollars a year more than our revenue.

As far as collecting social security... we fell for a lie. The new deal was a raw deal.

If a foreign country threatened our shores 99 out of 100 people would be will to fight to the death to protect their children but if a fiscal crises threatened our country (like it is now) well then friend... it our children can pay the piper.


Well-Known Member
Trump has done nothing for coal except talk about it. Between cheap natural gas and Chinese self-sourcing coal in a declining economy, coal isn't coming back.

That means Trump is lying. Unions? Same deal.
Ummm, he just signed a bill removing some restrictions on coal mining Obama put in place. Senators and Reps from coal states, including Democrats, were all looking very happy as he did so.


Well-Known Member
Tell me just what did your hard line conservative ideology actually do to directly improve your life? You worked for Smith until you couldn't work anymore. And what did you get out of it? A broken health and an eviscerated pension plan that won't even begin to take care of you . Therefore the reality is that you were not retired, you were disposed of. Yet you continue to condemn, vilify and demonize a political movement that will provide you with at least something in the future and they are programs have been around for so long that the new generation of Pseudo Cons believe that it's their birth right simply because they payed into it but in reality they can go away in a moment because all it takes is a congressional bill and a president's signature and their are plenty of votes in Congress now to do just that. With all due respect I suggest that you wake up to that reality. As for your self righteous morality the hard fact is this. This nation will never allow the Religious Right to use the hammer of law as a means to forcibly impose their religious views on the American people for the purpose of controlling their behavior.
Your party has been reduced to a bunch of carpetbaggers totally beholden to extremist elements. And no one is talking about forcing religion on anyone. And where have I criticized or vilified Social Security or Medicare? All I've said repeatedly is SS is the best idea Democrats have ever had, and in order for those programs to remain healthy we need to get control of our debt and rein it in. And that will mean making hard choices. If you don't like making hard choices then you shouldn't vote for people who spend $9 trillion in 8 years. Then just maybe we'd have some breathing room and you could have the programs you want, but on a reasonable scale. Now I'll sit back and watch you lie over and over about my views, which you've done repeatedly.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Trump has done nothing for coal except talk about it. Between cheap natural gas and Chinese self-sourcing coal in a declining economy, coal isn't coming back.

That means Trump is lying. Unions? Same deal.
just like with every other energy source there are ways to make them more efficient and cleaner


Well-Known Member
Tell me just what did your hard line conservative ideology actually do to directly improve your life? You worked for Smith until you couldn't work anymore. And what did you get out of it? A broken health and an eviscerated pension plan that won't even begin to take care of you . Therefore the reality is that you were not retired, you were disposed of. Yet you continue to condemn, vilify and demonize a political movement that will provide you with at least something in the future and they are programs have been around for so long that the new generation of Pseudo Cons believe that it's their birth right simply because they payed into it but in reality they can go away in a moment because all it takes is a congressional bill and a president's signature and their are plenty of votes in Congress now to do just that. With all due respect I suggest that you wake up to that reality. As for your self righteous morality the hard fact is this. This nation will never allow the Religious Right to use the hammer of law as a means to forcibly impose their religious views on the American people for the purpose of controlling their behavior.
And if you think Congress is going to do away with Social Security then you don't understand politics. Nope, just playing on people's fears, as always.


Well-Known Member
Your party has been reduced to a bunch of carpetbaggers totally beholden to extremist elements. And no one is talking about forcing religion on anyone. And where have I criticized or vilified Social Security or Medicare? All I've said repeatedly is SS is the best idea Democrats have ever had, and in order for those programs to remain healthy we need to get control of our debt and rein it in. And that will mean making hard choices. If you don't like making hard choices then you shouldn't vote for people who spend $9 trillion in 8 years. Then just maybe we'd have some breathing room and you could have the programs you want, but on a reasonable scale. Now I'll sit back and watch you lie over and over about my views, which you've done repeatedly.
Wait a minute . Your the one who said that we need God back in public schools. If that isn't forcibly imposing a religious ideology I don't know what is. When it comes to the future of your retirement security the deficit is not in the near term a threat to your retirement security. It's the people in your own party who want to 'reform and replace" Social Security, ACA and Medicare Translation.....They don't want to have to pay into it anymore. Did you see the first draft of the ACA so called replacement? the CBO is getting it this week. To begin with the expanded Medicaid will end. The result? The states wouldn't be able to take up the slack and as a result of that rural hospitals and clinics will start dropping like flies. Tax credits will be granted based only on age. Translation......A guy making 20 million a year will get the same tax credit as a same age guy making $20,000. And premiums will continue to rise as hospitals will have no choice but to raise rates and fees which will be handed off to insurers and guess who they will pass it off onto? And yes they won't do away with Social Security it will just be watered down until provides nothing to retirees. Don't believe me? Just take a look at Congressman Sam Johnson ( R-TX) so called plan to reform and preserve Social Security. Summary..... retirement age goes to 69 and the longer you pay into it the less you will receive in return through direct cuts to the monthly benefit and COLA based on an obscure formula that seldom moves. Granted the Progressive/Liberal political movement like all others has it flaws. But try as you might there is one fact you simply cannot deny. You're life going forward is going to be a damn sight better off because of what that movement was able to get for you. So give the people who got it for you the respect they've earned because try as you might you can't have it both ways.


Well-Known Member
Well, golly gee, the teachers' unions have done so much to produce the finest students in the world. Our education system is 2nd to none. There is absolutely no need for fresh perspectives because everything is perfect now. Heaven forbid that kids in the ghetto get the chance to go to better schools with vouchers. Might figure out their school boards haven't done right by them.
Vouchers don't guarantee admission to any school. And most inner city kids don't have the means to go out of their school district to attend school. It is not the answer to our failing education system. Neither is dismantling the teachers unions.
7 Ways to Repair the Public Education System | The Huffington Post


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Wait a minute . Your the one who said that we need God back in public schools. If that isn't forcibly imposing a religious ideology I don't know what is. When it comes to the future of your retirement security the deficit is not in the near term a threat to your retirement security. It's the people in your own party who want to 'reform and replace" Social Security, ACA and Medicare Translation.....They don't want to have to pay into it anymore. Did you see the first draft of the ACA so called replacement? the CBO is getting it this week. To begin with the expanded Medicaid will end. The result? The states wouldn't be able to take up the slack and as a result of that rural hospitals and clinics will start dropping like flies. Tax credits will be granted based only on age. Translation......A guy making 20 million a year will get the same tax credit as a same age guy making $20,000. And premiums will continue to rise as hospitals will have no choice but to raise rates and fees which will be handed off to insurers and guess who they will pass it off onto? And yes they won't do away with Social Security it will just be watered down until provides nothing to retirees. Don't believe me? Just take a look at Congressman Sam Johnson ( R-TX) so called plan to reform and preserve Social Security. Summary..... retirement age goes to 69 and the longer you pay into it the less you will receive in return through direct cuts to the monthly benefit and COLA based on an obscure formula that seldom moves. Granted the Progressive/Liberal political movement like all others has it flaws. But try as you might there is one fact you simply cannot deny. You're life going forward is going to be a damn sight better off because of what that movement was able to get for you. So give the people who got it for you the respect they've earned because try as you might you can't have it both ways.
Saying we need God back in schools isn't the same as forcing beliefs on others. This is what you don't grasp about Christianity. Christians present their beliefs to others in hopes that non-believers will see in those beliefs a better way to live for themselves. But non-believers are free to reject those beliefs. The progressive liberal with the biggest megaphone out there, Bill Maher, has pointed that out in comparing Christianity with Islam. He's an atheist, but acknowledges there's a huge disparity between Christianity and other religions vs Islam.

As for the rest, I sincerely can't understand why you can't see that the ACA is a flawed law that's hurting more than it's helping? Or that SS needs to be reformed to prevent it from collapsing? As is we're looking at reduced benefits in a little over 20 years, probably sooner if the economy doesn't greatly improve.


Well-Known Member
Saying we need God back in schools isn't the same as forcing beliefs on others. This is what you don't grasp about Christianity. Christians present their beliefs to others in hopes that non-believers will see in those beliefs a better way to live for themselves. But non-believers are free to reject those beliefs. The progressive liberal with the biggest megaphone out there, Bill Maher, has pointed that out in comparing Christianity with Islam. He's an atheist, but acknowledges there's a huge disparity between Christianity and other religions vs Islam.

As for the rest, I sincerely can't understand why you can't see that the ACA is a flawed law that's hurting more than it's helping? Or that SS needs to be reformed to prevent it from collapsing? As is we're looking at reduced benefits in a little over 20 years, probably sooner if the economy doesn't greatly improve.

I am not a huge fan of Bill Maher. I think he is a jerk. Other non-believers have made similar statements; Dawkins, Hitchins (now deceased conservative) and Harris among others, but Islam is not monolithic. There are liberal Muslims like there are liberal Christians. I agree that overall Christianity is futher along in liberal theology.

Can you cite factual evidence that ACA is hurting more than helping? I see a slowing of premium increases, more people covered, and great improvements re: preexisting conditions, lifetime caps, dependent care, rescission and minimum coverage levels for men and women. I think some changes need to happen for SS, but I am strictly opposed to reducing benefits and that includes raising the retirement age or indexing to chained CPI. They should not have raided SS funds. I believe the cap for taxable income should be raised.


Well-Known Member
I am not a huge fan of Bill Maher. I think he is a jerk. Other non-believers have made similar statements; Dawkins, Hitchins (now deceased conservative) and Harris among others, but Islam is not monolithic. There are liberal Muslims like there are liberal Christians. I agree that overall Christianity is futher along in liberal theology.

Can you cite factual evidence that ACA is hurting more than helping? I see a slowing of premium increases, more people covered, and great improvements re: preexisting conditions, lifetime caps, dependent care, rescission and minimum coverage levels for men and women. I think some changes need to happen for SS, but I am strictly opposed to reducing benefits and that includes raising the retirement age or indexing to chained CPI. They should not have raided SS funds. I believe the cap for taxable income should be raised.
It's been awhile since I've looked it up but a number of items are kicking in this year concerning business and the ACA. And premiums are still increasing as well as huge deductibles for everyone are in effect which makes the law hurt just about everyone but those who are fully or greatly subsidized by it.

I agree about Maher, but he pointed out the truth about Islam. Yes there are moderates in some Muslim nations, there are moderates here. But a number of nations have strict doctrines concerning women's rights, for example, that have no comparable equivalent in majority Christian nations. Not even close. These are the countries where the most radical anti-West views have sprung from, and try as they might apologists for Islam can't point to comparable numbers of violent terrorist attacks in any other religion. And I wonder just how many terror attacks it will take in this country, how many dead, before those supporting the free flow of refugees from that area of the world acknowledge there's a serious problem?

If the numbers don't add up reforms will have to be made on SS. I don't have a problem with means testing to reduce or eliminate those with high enough income from other sources. Or taxing all income. But something needs to be done soon.


Staff member
Saying we need God back in schools isn't the same as forcing beliefs on others. This is what you don't grasp about Christianity. Christians present their beliefs to others in hopes that non-believers will see in those beliefs a better way to live for themselves. But non-believers are free to reject those beliefs. The progressive liberal with the biggest megaphone out there, Bill Maher, has pointed that out in comparing Christianity with Islam. He's an atheist, but acknowledges there's a huge disparity between Christianity and other religions vs Islam.

As for the rest, I sincerely can't understand why you can't see that the ACA is a flawed law that's hurting more than it's helping? Or that SS needs to be reformed to prevent it from collapsing? As is we're looking at reduced benefits in a little over 20 years, probably sooner if the economy doesn't greatly improve.
I swear, van, if you put a conservative Baptist minister in my child's classroom for the purpose of religious training, I would lock that building down with massive protests...and I'm a Christian!

Same would happen if you put a Catholic priest there. My guess is if my own liberal lady minister were to take up the same position, furor would erupt from other Christian sects and rightfully so.


Well-Known Member
I swear, van, if you put a conservative Baptist minister in my child's classroom for the purpose of religious training, I would lock that building down with massive protests...and I'm a Christian!

Same would happen if you put a Catholic priest there. My guess is if my own liberal lady minister were to take up the same position, furor would erupt from other Christian sects and rightfully so.
Why do you guys take things to extremes? Who's saying that? My point is that liberals have gone to great lengths to take any mention of God out of the public realm. We have generations now who've grown up in a much coarser society than when people believed it was normal to dress modestly, speak without swearing, show respect to authority, and expect consequences from both school officials and parents for not doing so. Are we truly better off allowing kids to dress any way they please for school? With permissive attitudes has the quality of our education improved? That's the foundation I was speaking of that would allow kids to learn in a safe, respectful environment. Looks to me like the genie is out of the bottle in the public schools, and there's no going back.


Staff member
Why do you guys take things to extremes? Who's saying that? My point is that liberals have gone to great lengths to take any mention of God out of the public realm. We have generations now who've grown up in a much coarser society than when people believed it was normal to dress modestly, speak without swearing, show respect to authority, and expect consequences from both school officials and parents for not doing so. Are we truly better off allowing kids to dress any way they please for school? With permissive attitudes has the quality of our education improved? That's the foundation I was speaking of that would allow kids to learn in a safe, respectful environment. Looks to me like the genie is out of the bottle in the public schools, and there's no going back.
It isn't an extreme van. Religion is very, very serious.

I once delivered to a Lutheran Church and when I told the minister that my dad had recently retired from the Lutheran ministry he asked "ELCA or Missouri Synod?"


"Oh. Well WE still believe in the Bible."

Lutherans van. But very different.