Pees in the brown Koolaid
There was a classic scene in the movie "About Schmidt" where a topless Kathy Bates gets into a hot tub and attempts to seduce Jack Nicholson.
Porn or not porn?
Kathy Bates is an amazing actress. She is also an overweight 50-something woman with saggy boobs. She is well respected in the industry, with an impressive body of work, and unlike many young actresses who give up a boob shot in an attempt to advance their careers in Hollywood, she did the boob shot in this movie for comic effect and because (I think at least) she thought it would be fun. It was most certainly done of her own free will, and she was most certainly not being exploited or denigrated in any way.
The moral of this story for me is that I dont define porn in terms of which body part or sex act is or is not visible on the camera, I define porn by who is or is not being exploited, denigrated and objectified.
Porn or not porn?
Kathy Bates is an amazing actress. She is also an overweight 50-something woman with saggy boobs. She is well respected in the industry, with an impressive body of work, and unlike many young actresses who give up a boob shot in an attempt to advance their careers in Hollywood, she did the boob shot in this movie for comic effect and because (I think at least) she thought it would be fun. It was most certainly done of her own free will, and she was most certainly not being exploited or denigrated in any way.
The moral of this story for me is that I dont define porn in terms of which body part or sex act is or is not visible on the camera, I define porn by who is or is not being exploited, denigrated and objectified.