Post office: City carrier assistant question

Most of these jobs say they are non career positions. Then you get reviewed for a possible carrier job after 5 day break. Question:

Is it better to apply to one of these positions that's in the middle of nowhere instead of bigger cities? My thinking is less people interested, so a better chance of getting hired and then more likely to become a career employee.

Anyone know the the inner workings of the hiring process and whats the best way to a) Get hired and B) Become a career employee.


Probably the Greatest American Alive
Most of these jobs say they are non career positions. Then you get reviewed for a possible carrier job after 5 day break. Question:

Is it better to apply to one of these positions that's in the middle of nowhere instead of bigger cities? My thinking is less people interested, so a better chance of getting hired and then more likely to become a career employee.

Anyone know the the inner workings of the hiring process and whats the best way to a) Get hired and B) Become a career employee.

Just so you know, since you're on a UPS forum, you can't work at both companies. Not driving anyway. I think it's a matter of the two unions butting heads and the friendly competition.

As far as advancing to become a career USPS employee. It doesn't really matter if it's in the city or in a rural zone. If the opportunity is there, they will hire. They're short staffed as of late, since they picked up the Amazon contract.


CCA is the position you want. CCAs take around 2-4 years to become career, and get more hours. Rural can take about 10+ years to become career and they barely get hours.


Retired 23 years
Christ--it's bad enough we have to put up with Fedex using this site--- now USPS wants in on the action too. And whats with all these retired people----move on dammit.


Well-Known Member
To the OP,

My PO career experience was brief, confusing, nonsensical, and rather toxic. YMMV. Here is what I learned:

Yes. Try to get into a large PO. You will blend in better and not be singled out as easily. Blending in and being quiet is VERY important. Unless you are transgender. Then you will be worshiped. Because your postmaster and co-workers will be VERY afraid of you getting them fired. If you are a hyphenated-American, you wield similar powers. More hyphens = more power.

You will be asked to join the union during training. Join without question. Drink the Kool-Aid. Just keep in mind that the union will NOT have your back.

Don't believe anything anyone at the PO tells you. This is not to say you should disbelieve. Only that nobody there really knows anything at anytime, anyways.

The PO is always hiring cuz they are always firing.