rascism can be domestic terrorism.So apparently, Bikers For Trump are going to go in to CHAZ and reclaim it for America...
This, in my opinion, has the potential to kick off a larger civil war, because make no mistake, a few lunatics are gonna open fire, and when they do, the bikers are going to return fire. Other antifa lunatics are going to take that as a call to arms and splinter cells might start popping up across the US in the form of domestic terrorist attacks. I think they watched the Weather Underground too many times and think they are reincarnated-1960s-revolutionaries... but even the people from the SDS regret the things they did when they were younger if they watched the whole movie through.
Anyways. Antifa has been training hard on their xbox's so theyre pretty much militant masterminds now... Becareful out there and keep a gun in your vehicle at all times.
if theres an anti racist war sign up! this is a war actually worth fighting for, unlike these other wars for oil