I do agree that you're definitely in a bubble of lies that will pop, it just wont be the bubble you thought it was.
When I was younger I was pretty far left. Tired of wars, tired of rednecks who supported Bush (which I still hate GW to this day), and I even voted for Obama twice just because of how pissed I was w the rednecks. I didnt realize until obamas second term just how much I had been manipulated emotionally. I was fighting everyone elses wars for them except for my own. And one day it dawned on me, everyone else is fighting for the world they want for themselves... whether thats at my expense or not. Why am I not doing that?
I don't think Id call myself a republican or a democrat because I do think both parties have been infiltrated over time w ppl who only call themselves those things (kind of like so called religious people who drown us in religious rhetoric and then turn around and molest kids), but I am a Trumponian Conservative. I like where his focus is