Potential For Civil War Kickoff?


Well-Known Member
So what Trump policy has improved your life?

Well being Im not THAT self-centered, it isnt just about improving my life alone, its about improving all Americans quality of life because that indirectly improves my quality of life.. I dont want to live in a have/have-nots world, and hes offering opportunities to all Americans. Whether they take them or not is out of his hands just like the age old saying you can lead a horse to water but cant make it drink.

Hes been obstructed every step of the way especially on healthcare. Obamacare, when I was self-employed, wanted me to pay $600 a month with a $6000 deductible and that was just for myself. If I had 2 or more employees I would have had to cover them under Obamacares Healthcare mandate. That translated to enormous costs considering the workmans comp alone for 2 employees was over $10,000 a year. For small businesses, thats devastating because if someone was considering having their bathroom remodeled, and figured it would cost about $16,000, are likely to say hell no once they hear its gone up to $22,000. They just put it off until the bathroom starts falling apart, or even worse, try to do it themselves and waste $7000 on materials that they installed improperly and inevitably failed.

I could type all night on the pros to having Trump as President. But most importantly for me, its about breaking the back of the DC power structure that has been robbing gullible Americans blind for over 70 years

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
his economic policies
his restoration of pride in america
his policies of mimizing the NK threat
his holding china accountable.
his exposure of the deep state
his exposure of the leftist control of the media
His fight against the leftist thought and speech police

He's doing a fantastic job.
Funniest thing I have read hear in a long time. I have to believe that you are being sarcastic. 44 million Americans out of work, Rioting in the streets. NK still has nuclear weapons and testing delivery systems every month. China does whatever China wants to because it holds a lot of our debt and we buy there junk. Deep state paranoia. Leftist control of a free press paranoia. Fight against the First Amendment to the Constitution. Approval rating below 40% on a good day. Fantastic job. trump is dragging the entire Republican party down with him.


Gravy route
44 million Americans out of work
I guess Trump created the COVID disease in your mind.
Rioting in the streets
Is Trump calling for riots, or the leftist Black Lives Matter leaders?
NK still has nuclear weapons and testing delivery systems every month
Yep., same as under Obama
China does whatever China wants to
Same as under Obama.
Fight against the First Amendment to the Constitution
Now that is laughable. Obama (the wordsmith) tried to redefine freedom of religion into freedom of worship.
And who can forget Hilary's attack against Christians as a basket of deplorables.
Democrats routinely attack religious rights.


Inordinately Right
44 million Americans out of work, Rioting in the streets. NK still has nuclear weapons and testing delivery systems every month. China does whatever China wants to because it holds a lot of our debt and we buy there junk.
Thanks to Democrats.
Those are things Trump is fighting against while Democrats cheer for the destruction of America.


Well-Known Member
Thanks to Democrats.
Those are things Trump is fighting against while Democrats cheer for the destruction of America.

The bit about china owning out "debt" always cracks me up. Our debt is federal reserve based, and the fed doesnt "own" the US, it's a lender. For all intents and purposes, we could tell the fed to eat poop and kick them out. Granted it would disrupt world markets but hey, theyre already disrupted so now would be the perfect time 😂


Well-Known Member
Funniest thing I have read hear in a long time. I have to believe that you are being sarcastic. 44 million Americans out of work,

Due to a hoax perpetuated by the leftist mainstream media. I still have yet to meet a single person who has covid

Rioting in the streets.

Once again, leftists stirred up by the msm

NK still has nuclear weapons and testing delivery systems every month.

One, how many times have they nuked us, or anyone for that matter? And two, not every situation can be resolved non-violently, but at least Trump is making the attempt. Sparing both American and Korean lives and billions of dollars of debt.

Deep state paranoia.

If anyone is paranoid, it's the deep state, and they have every right to be, the target is directly over them 🎯

Leftist control of a free press paranoia.

Yeah, the right has Faux News and OANN, neither of which come across as genuine right wing outlets in my opinion. But either way, the left has a massive network of not only television, but press, websites, tech companies that give it a tremendous amount of influence over weak minded ppl

Fight against the First Amendment to the Constitution.

So far it seems like every negative you've mentioned is the doing of the left but you're just attaching it to Trump, but continue.

Approval rating below 40% on a good day.

Playing w poll numbers, now where have I seen that before? Oh yeah, Trump has a 1% chance of winning the 2016 election and Hillary has a 99% chance of winning 😆

Fantastic job. trump is dragging the entire Republican party down with him.

Good! To hell w both parties. We need to start over with both of them. Republicans who don't push a Trumponian agenda dont stand a chance anymore. Thank god for that


Working on a new degree, Masters in BS Detecting!

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Well being Im not THAT self-centered, it isnt just about improving my life alone, its about improving all Americans quality of life because that indirectly improves my quality of life.. I dont want to live in a have/have-nots world, and hes offering opportunities to all Americans. Whether they take them or not is out of his hands just like the age old saying you can lead a horse to water but cant make it drink.

Hes been obstructed every step of the way especially on healthcare. Obamacare, when I was self-employed, wanted me to pay $600 a month with a $6000 deductible and that was just for myself. If I had 2 or more employees I would have had to cover them under Obamacares Healthcare mandate. That translated to enormous costs considering the workmans comp alone for 2 employees was over $10,000 a year. For small businesses, thats devastating because if someone was considering having their bathroom remodeled, and figured it would cost about $16,000, are likely to say hell no once they hear its gone up to $22,000. They just put it off until the bathroom starts falling apart, or even worse, try to do it themselves and waste $7000 on materials that they installed improperly and inevitably failed.

I could type all night on the pros to having Trump as President. But most importantly for me, its about breaking the back of the DC power structure that has been robbing gullible Americans blind for over 70 years
So you can’t name any policy that’s actually improved things. He’s done nothing for healthcare. Your understanding of the ACA is incorrect. I run a small business and offer my employees health insurance and it’s not devastating.

It sounds like you like the myth Trump has created about himself. The results you dream about are lacking.


Well-Known Member
So you can’t name any policy that’s actually improved things. He’s done nothing for healthcare. Your understanding of the ACA is incorrect. I run a small business and offer my employees health insurance and it’s not devastating.

It sounds like you like the myth Trump has created about himself. The results you dream about are lacking.

Right on. You do your thing brother. Best of luck to ya but I think your anger is your driving motivator and not good decision-making. Lots of miserable ppl in the world w fake smiles, I just refuse to be one of them.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Right on. You do your thing brother. Best of luck to ya but I think your anger is your driving motivator and not good decision-making. Lots of miserable ppl in the world w fake smiles, I just refuse to be one of them.
Trump is a failure. You claim to support him but can’t name a single tangible thing he’s done to improve your life or the country. Self delusion is not an effective governing strategy.


Well-Known Member
Funniest thing I have read hear in a long time. I have to believe that you are being sarcastic. 44 million Americans out of work, Rioting in the streets. NK still has nuclear weapons and testing delivery systems every month. China does whatever China wants to because it holds a lot of our debt and we buy there junk. Deep state paranoia. Leftist control of a free press paranoia. Fight against the First Amendment to the Constitution. Approval rating below 40% on a good day. Fantastic job. trump is dragging the entire Republican party down with him.

polls are cooked by liberal news media sources to suppress the conservative vote. 33 percent of the 2016 vote was republican. most polls sample republicans at around 23 to 25 percent. Ready for the spin. Polls will try to show Trump way behind until the last week when pollsters realize they are about to be embarrassed they will then say oh the polls are tightening up. No one is getting excited about bumbles biden.

your only prayer to defeat Trump is convincing voters that he started the Chinese virus. Voters are not buying your nonsense.

the only thing funny here is seeing how far you have stuck your head up your rear poop canal in denial of reality


Well-Known Member
Funniest thing I have read hear in a long time. I have to believe that you are being sarcastic. 44 million Americans out of work,
Temporarily because our leadership following the advice of science shut down the economy. Would biden have done something different no. Who shut the economy the most? liberal leaders. Where were most of the Cvirus problems in liberal run cities. Who's at fault for those unemployed? Both sides but definitely weighted toward liberal run strongholds.

Rioting in the streets.,

where's that going . who's running those cities? What happened in DC? Same thing until trump over rode the liberal idiot mayor and called in the national guard.

NK still has nuclear weapons and testing delivery systems every month.

what were you guys saying in 2016? That trump would be in a war with NK in months? Remember that . Yet now you try to change the narrative and benchmark for political gain. are you honest much?

China does whatever China wants to because it holds a lot of our debt and we buy there junk.
Well I don't know if you noticed but they are a super power. debt is held by the federal reserve. Trump is the first president to actually hold China accountable for their unfair trade practices. Obama was a puss. Biden was profiting from china and definitely wont hold them accountable.

Deep state paranoia.

proven to be true by recent revelations. I don't care whether you call them deep state or Obama holdovers the problem is the same.

Leftist control of a free press paranoia.
you're in serious denial.
MSM does not even pretend to be unbiased anymore.

Fight against the First Amendment to the Constitution.
Trump understands media very well. He holds biased reporting accountable . He uses social media very well. Leftist media will of course get upset because Trump is not a nice man and he will embarrass them when they get it wrong. Do you know how trump does that? he uses meda to embarrass media. He cuts their biased throats with their own weapons.

Approval rating below 40% on a good day. Fantastic job. trump is dragging the entire Republican party down with him.

the good news for you is Trump will give you 4 more years to whine about him and cook up your biased nonsense here.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Temporarily because our leadership following the advice of science shut down the economy. Would biden have done something different no. Who shut the economy the most? liberal leaders. Where were most of the Cvirus problems in liberal run cities. Who's at fault for those unemployed? Both sides but definitely weighted toward liberal run strongholds.

where's that going . who's running those cities? What happened in DC? Same thing until trump over rode the liberal idiot mayor and called in the national guard.

what were you guys saying in 2016? That trump would be in a war with NK in months? Remember that . Yet now you try to change the narrative and benchmark for political gain. are you honest much?

Well I don't know if you noticed but they are a super power. debt is held by the federal reserve. Trump is the first president to actually hold China accountable for their unfair trade practices. Obama was a puss. Biden was profiting from china and definitely wont hold them accountable.

proven to be true by recent revelations. I don't care whether you call them deep state or Obama holdovers the problem is the same.

you're in serious denial.
MSM does not even pretend to be unbiased anymore.

Trump understands media very well. He holds biased reporting accountable . He uses social media very well. Leftist media will of course get upset because Trump is not a nice man and he will embarrass them when they get it wrong. Do you know how trump does that? he uses meda to embarrass media. He cuts their biased throats with their own weapons.

the good news for you is Trump will give you 4 more years to whine about him and cook up your biased nonsense here.


Well-Known Member
So you can’t name any policy that’s actually improved things. He’s done nothing for healthcare. Your understanding of the ACA is incorrect. I run a small business and offer my employees health insurance and it’s not devastating.

It sounds like you like the myth Trump has created about himself. The results you dream about are lacking.