Powerpad gps; has it been referenced?


Well-Known Member
Funny the extent they will go through when they want you gone.

Yet our system is still completely imperfect for GPS, you request a manual pup, takes dispatch 10 minutes to send you one (obviously you are gone from the location). So now the GPS time stamp shows you pupping the package 2 miles from where it should be....smart
Create the pick up yourself


Well-Known Member
Create the pick up yourself
We are specifically told not to do that by dispatch. Every day. Also that we have to give complete address and tracking number before they will even send a walk-up. P.I.T.A. to deal with that every time. If I already have a separate pup I will just scan under that stop to not deal with dispatch.


Well-Known Member
We are specifically told not to do that by dispatch. Every day. Also that we have to give complete address and tracking number before they will even send a walk-up. P.I.T.A. to deal with that every time. If I already have a separate pup I will just scan under that stop to not deal with dispatch.
Same here. You need a :censored2: DNA sample, the senders mothers maiden name and credit check to get a stupid walkup at my station. I had someone leave a OL on my windshield once and my dispatchers head damn near exploded when I told them I needed a walkup and, no I had no info to give because it was left on my windshield.

I usually just hold onto any walkups I get until I get to one of my dropbox. Easier than having to deal with dispatch.


Well-Known Member
I used the security delay while waiting at a DOE facility on one of my routes. You'd pull up to the gate, hit the intercom button, and wait anywhere between 2-10 minutes for the guard to come out and let you in. THEN they wanted you to open all doors for them to have a quick look inside.

I'd do the security delay just in case I had to bail to make my other P1s while waiting on the gate to open. It's too bad the location of this stop put it smack in the middle of all my P1 stops, not at the end.
Sounds like the nuclear power plant on one of the routes here. If you're not on the "pre-approved" (long process) list they hold you up at the security gate and run a background check on your license.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the nuclear power plant on one of the routes here. If you're not on the "pre-approved" (long process) list they hold you up at the security gate and run a background check on your license.
We used to deliver to an Air Force Base. If you were lucky, you could get through in 20 minutes.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Same here. You need a :censored2: DNA sample, the senders mothers maiden name and credit check to get a stupid walkup at my station. I had someone leave a OL on my windshield once and my dispatchers head damn near exploded when I told them I needed a walkup and, no I had no info to give because it was left on my windshield.

I usually just hold onto any walkups I get until I get to one of my dropbox. Easier than having to deal with dispatch.

We send a message to dispatch with the street address and zip. There was tons of abuse for a while with couriers asking for multiple walkups to pad their stop counts. To combat that we required an account number (regular AWB) or a tracking number (automated AWB or billable stamp) when requesting the walkup. That solved most of the problem and we stopped requiring it.


Well-Known Member
If the issue is the scan wouldn't adding it to a scheduled pickup stop or drop box be easier for all involved?
Many couriers already do that as it's easier and faster. The problem is some like to request one to pad their numbers. Or a day shift courier gets handed an outgoing package while making a delivery, and that courier doesn't do any pick-ups or drop boxes. Around here delivery and pick-up routes are completely separate and 2 different shifts.


Well-Known Member
Forget dispatch. add the pup yourself. If you are that worried about the pup counting towards your sph then you aren't doing enough to begin with. The job is to get package to destination


Well-Known Member
Actually the issue is tracking and information mostly, if a customer "tracks" it and information says it was pupped at a Dropbox or god forbid or at ABCD Inc. the next town over, the information is incorrect and can lead to confusion. So they want us to have the best info we can... and yes I agree dispatch is unbelievably slow in this process, and often I will "ADD STOP" you can put in the address so it should show up correctly when tracked.

If the issue is the scan wouldn't adding it to a scheduled pickup stop or drop box be easier for all involved?

Mr. 7

The monkey on the left.
But, gee whizz,
Every time I look at a tracking num I pupp'ed it shows it got pupp'ed in the city that the sta. is located when I pupp'ed it 20 miles and 3 towns away.


Yeah but there is a Fedex system that tracks everything- more internal than what you're talking about. It tracks where you pupd it, what stop, then which cons, truck, ramp, plane, etc.