Frankie's Friend

The flat skinny ones are sometimes a challenge to flip on end. But overall not too big of a deal. But having to hump it up a steep driveway because you are doing the route blind. Not knowing that there is room to turn around up there. Much bigger challenge.
This isn't about dating women.

Frankie's Friend

I’ll just stick with the Harley Davidson forum, much happier and nicer people there. Some of you need to get away from work, this forum isn’t helping any of you do that. Byeeeee
tenor (1).gif

Good riddance.


Well-Known Member
I voted yes to the strike if necessary but I would hope that my Union leaders can come to an agreement before that is necessary. I am only 2 years in but from my perspective it seems that many of the employees with longer tenure are rather spoiled. Old timers expect more and honestly in today's day and age us UPSers don't have it as bad as many think. I agree the work/family life is rough but i signed up for it for a salary that will eventually do more for us. My wife works full time and holds it down at home with the kids while i give 10/12 hour days. I pray for a contract prior to strike, it will only hurt my pocket.


Happy Verified UPSer
I voted yes to the strike if necessary but I would hope that my Union leaders can come to an agreement before that is necessary. I am only 2 years in but from my perspective it seems that many of the employees with longer tenure are rather spoiled. Old timers expect more and honestly in today's day and age us UPSers don't have it as bad as many think. I agree the work/family life is rough but i signed up for it for a salary that will eventually do more for us. My wife works full time and holds it down at home with the kids while i give 10/12 hour days. I pray for a contract prior to strike, it will only hurt my pocket.
You are right about this. Upsers get spoiled after awhile .It's important not to rely on the union or company or anybody to take care of you. Take care of yourself. Take the money you make and pay bills, take care of the family , and save and invest some for the future and rainy days.

We slowly worked on contributing the max to the 401k and since my spouse could not work our income was such that we could contribute to IRA's also. Along with paying off the house early and doing the above , we were allowed to retire about 5 years earlier than most. Our pension only accounts for about 25% of our total retirement income.

Don't fall into the trap that a lot of UPSers fall into. Thinking that the money will always be there so they buy too much house, buy too many toys and think that the company and union will take care of them.

I'm hoping for a good result also in these contract negotiations. No one wins in a strike.


Well-Known Member
Really, THIS is what you guys should be looking for. The guys praying, cheerleading, and hoping for a strike IMO, aren't thinking it through. (Seriously, some of you sound idiotic).
We PAY those negotiators a boatload of money to do their job. Let's allow them to do it before we want a strike. Remember, if we strike:

The negotiators continue to get paid.
UPS management continues to get paid.
Teamster management continues to get paid.

It's only us that won't get paid, because THEY couldn't get the job done.

Now I voted to authorize a strike. If the negotiators really come to an impasse, I'm walking. I'm old, my house is paid off, I have no mortgage, and I have plenty of money in the bank. I could be out a long time with no worries.
But some of you young guys will be in some deep doo doo. Say we're out 3 months, that's a lot of bills piling up, and you low seniority people may not be called back for even longer. I suspect that if a strike went long, everyone would be called back for Peak, but big time layoffs after.

Just something to think about. Hope instead that those negotiators will come out with a fantastic contract for us!
Of course you have a good point. And if the negotiators come out with a great proposal, I doubt many will have any problem adjusting and voting yes!! I think most of us equate this possibility with, I really hope I win a huge $400,000,000 Lotto! We hope for it, BUT WE JUST KNOW IT'S PROBABLY NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

Frankie's Friend

You are right about this. Upsers get spoiled after awhile.
Uh excuse me dude, but if you work multiple years at pt time wages, finally get to bid a ft job and have another 4 yrs of progression to work thru I dont call that "spoiled".

Your analysis is false and you wipe your feet on the galley slaves that broke their backs to get a CHANCE to get a full time job.

I've never heard such garbage, demeaning upers as "spoiled".

We out work and out perform all the competition and are known for the longevity of drivers safety records.

Maybe you and your long island newbie buddy were hired off the street?
Get a clue.


Well-Known Member
Uh excuse me dude, but if you work multiple years at pt time wages, finally get to bid a ft job and have another 4 yrs of progression to work thru I dont call that "spoiled".

Your analysis is false and you wipe your feet on the galley slaves that broke their backs to get a CHANCE to get a full time job.

I've never heard such garbage, demeaning upers as "spoiled".

We out work and out perform all the competition and are known for the longevity of drivers safety records.

Maybe you and your long island newbie buddy were hired off the street?
Get a clue.

Ignore her man. Her story has changed so many times most don't even believe she worked for UPS. If I have this right she was 27year feeder driver, stripper, tomato hauler, used to carry a gun in her cab. Also worked in a 3rd world country. She has more lives then your cat. :)
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Ignore her man. Her story has changed so many times most don't even believe she worked for UPS. If I have this right she was 27year feeder driver, stripper, tomato hauler, used to carry a gun in her cab. Also worked in a 3rd world country. She has more lives then your cat. :)

Don’t forget financial guru

Frankie's Friend

Ignore her man. Her story has changed so many times most don't even believe she worked for UPS. If I have this right she was 27year feeder driver, stripper, tomato hauler, used to carry a gun in her cab. Also worked in a 3rd world country. She has more lives then your cat. :)
Sorry, I get tired of hearing how spoiled we are.
I hauled freight across the country for several years from the late 80's and DSD'd many independent groceries.
I lost 18 lbs my first 30 days at ups in package.
Dont flippantly tell me that we are spoiled. That's a lie.

Do we have better wages and bennies than our competition? You bet and that's because we stand strong together for good contracts.
We dont pay over $90 a month for no reason and we expect our leadership to have our best interest in mind at the table. Us union radicals got the wages up to where it is today and the company knows that we'll walk the picket line if they want to line their pockets with our sweat.

Sometimes the rhetoric gets old.
"Spoiled upsers".
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Well-Known Member
Sorry, I get tired of hearing how spoiled we are.
I hauled freight across the country for several years from the late 80's and DSD'd many independent groceries.
I lost 18 lbs my first 30 days at ups in package.
Dont flippantly tell me that we


60 months and counting
Uh excuse me dude, but if you work multiple years at pt time wages, finally get to bid a ft job and have another 4 yrs of progression to work thru I dont call that "spoiled".

Your analysis is false and you wipe your feet on the galley slaves that broke their backs to get a CHANCE to get a full time job.

I've never heard such garbage, demeaning upers as "spoiled".

We out work and out perform all the competition and are known for the longevity of drivers safety records.

Maybe you and your long island newbie buddy were hired off the street?
Get a clue.
I spend almost 8 years slanging cardboard in the hub while they we’re hiring 25 year olds right off the street into a job I was trying to earn the hard way....then waited 3 years as a driver doing garbage cut routes before I got my first chance to be a bid driver on a garbage route!! Give me a winner, or a like or an agree if any of you had to do the same thing as me!!!!
I spend almost 8 years slanging cardboard in the hub while they we’re hiring 25 year olds right off the street into a job I was trying to earn the hard way....then waited 3 years as a driver doing garbage cut routes before I got my first chance to be a bid driver on a garbage route!! Give me a winner, or a like or an agree if any of you had to do the same thing as me!!!!
did you walk up hill to and from work also?