prefered jobs


Well-Known Member
ok, you lost me on the last part, but i wanna thank you. i filed that they should put up a bid sheet cause that has never been done. i also filed for skill pay cause there is a guy there that has skill pay and he has only been there a year. ( lowest guy on the totum pole) im just about the only employee that doesnt have skill pay now. the part you lost me at was { [publicly accessible area in the hub even if the sort manager's door is locked } i dont understand that part but hopefully they do the right thing. a shop steward told me to file it once every week. i dont know that, that , will do any good but im gonna try it. thanx so much again.


ok, you lost me on the last part, but i wanna thank you. i filed that they should put up a bid sheet cause that has never been done. i also filed for skill pay cause there is a guy there that has skill pay and he has only been there a year. ( lowest guy on the totum pole) im just about the only employee that doesnt have skill pay now. the part you lost me at was { [publicly accessible area in the hub even if the sort manager's door is locked } i dont understand that part but hopefully they do the right thing. a shop steward told me to file it once every week. i dont know that, that , will do any good but im gonna try it. thanx so much again.

I would file for skill pay on a separate grievance.. are they refusing to let you take the sort/pick-off test? Or are they just handing out skill pay to whoever and skipped over you? Either way, it's a separate issue. I would recommend you go ahead and try and get your skill pay before going to small sort if they have the "new" automated system in your hub.

The reason I suggested you ask for the bid list to be posted elsewhere is so it's more easily accessible. The preferred job bid lists are usually kept in the sort manager's office and it might be difficult for an hourly to catch him/her before/after the sort. If you're having trouble finding the lists, I guarantee you someone else is too. That's why we keep them in the training department office in my hub.


Well-Known Member
I would file for skill pay on a separate grievance.. are they refusing to let you take the sort/pick-off test? Or are they just handing out skill pay to whoever and skipped over you? Either way, it's a separate issue. I would recommend you go ahead and try and get your skill pay before going to small sort if they have the "new" automated system in your hub.

The reason I suggested you ask for the bid list to be posted elsewhere is so it's more easily accessible. The preferred job bid lists are usually kept in the sort manager's office and it might be difficult for an hourly to catch him/her before/after the sort. If you're having trouble finding the lists, I guarantee you someone else is too. That's why we keep them in the training department office in my hub.

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ive never heard of any sort or pick off test. i worked smalls for two straight days when the regular sup was out sick. the new pt sup let me cause i told him i wanted to.
he wouldnt tell me where the list was the other night. he just walked off. and i didnt know i could file for skill pay before i went to smalls.


Well-Known Member
sorry, i tried to quote your thread. just dont know how lol.. thanx
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