President Trump


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You did make it up toilet boy.

In 2017, FAIR's "The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers" report put the total cost of illegal immigration at $135 billion a year, while claiming undocumented immigrants paid only $19 billion a year in taxes. That leaves a net cost to local, state and federal governments of $116 billion a year.

$116 - $5.7 = $110.3 BILLION
$110.3 Billion a year isn't 500 trillion but its a start.

You shouldn't have cried.
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Inordinately Right
In 2017, FAIR's "The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States Taxpayers" report put the total cost of illegal immigration at $135 billion a year, while claiming undocumented immigrants paid only $19 billion a year in taxes. That leaves a net cost to local, state and federal governments of $116 billion a year.

$116 - $5.7 = $110.3 BILLION
$110.3 Billion a year isn't 500 trillion but its a start.

You shouldn't have cried.
In other words, you did make up your numbers. Then you deflect by posting a garbage study discredited long ago.

Pathetic attempt to defend your dear leader. No rubles for you this time toilet boy.

Does illegal immigration cost the United States more than $100 billion a year?

El Correcto

god is dead
In other words, you did make up your numbers. Then you deflect by posting a garbage study discredited long ago.

Pathetic attempt to defend your dear leader. No rubles for you this time toilet boy.

Does illegal immigration cost the United States more than $100 billion a year?
Honestly 12 billion seems like an off estimate, it’s probably higher including DACA and people given birth right citizenship.

The wall won’t stop this non sense though, if you truly want immigration reform you pass legislation fixing the anchor baby’s and the chain migration. That would involve congress doing their job and that won’t happen.


Well-Known Member
And the party of Reagan is now down with giving Russians rimjobs on demand. Happens on both sides. I don’t like it either.
Trump must be biting down his actions have been much tougher on Russia then Obama's ever we're.

Remember when Obama told the Russian ambassador he would have more flexibility after the elections?

Remember when Obama mocked romney for saying Russia was our biggest threat?

Say goodbye to crimea


Well-Known Member


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
In other words, you did make up your numbers. Then you deflect by posting a garbage study discredited long ago.
Does illegal immigration cost the United States more than $100 billion a year?
Two days after the 2017 FAIR report was published Nowrasteh authored a critique that estimated the cost of illegal immigration was between $3.3 billion and $15.6 billion annually. The Cato report focuses on correcting what they say are false assumptions and mistakes in the FAIR study, such as rate of health care use.

Same article O Pitiful One. I liked the first numbers.
12 made up billion?
Since you don't want to hear illegals cost US anything, lets go with that. Forget all this math.