President Trump


Well-Known Member
Get out of your funk ... the article was about his tweets.
The article is biased toward the left and obviously driven by TDS.
It's one thing to earn your living by creating biased stories and
quite another thing to believe the made up biased stories.

Trump spends Christmas Eve shutdown 'all alone,' tweeting his frustrations.

the libs here want to believe those stories.

you would think Trump had the most miserable life in the world reading all these lib stories on loneliness and chaos


Staff member
the libs here want to believe those stories.

you would think Trump had the most miserable life in the world reading all these lib stories on loneliness and chaos

you snowflakes sound so jealous. don't you have a life to enjoy or is hating trump your only entertainment in life

You seem to need to defend a guy you think is on top of the world and loving life. Why?


Got the T-Shirt


Staff member
Not sure you get tears from, but I’ll ask you straight away: do you really know any battle hardened military personnel who would be afraid of those wannabes?