President Trump


Well-Known Member
Damn! Stacey Abrams makes Trump look slim!


You could lose some weight yourself.

On a side note, why bring up her weight?

Are her policies too much for you?

Perfect example of marginalization of differing views.

Actually, I have no idea about how you differ with SA on her issues, all I know is you think she’s the opposite of slim.

Excellent addition to our creative discourse.

(Who am I fooling, BC ain’t the forum for creative discourse...)

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
The speech was, as a whole, incoherent, but at least he didn’t stumble.

Bone spurs don’t stop you from standing!
I don't remember ever watching a SOTU before but I could follow it.
It reminded me of a Corporate presentation in that it was basically a bullet-point speech.
I was really impressed with the speech-writer and the "Producer" ... the use of the 'guests' was very powerful although not exactly making a point other than 'illegal immigration'.
I did think it was positive and a bright outlook on the future.


Staff member
Why would anybody choose to be homosexual with all the trouble that can come with it if they’re born heterosexual?
I don’t know...

Could I choose the bungholio of a guy or a chick?

I don’t know...

If it’s dark..if the first few times niches feels good...

I don’t know...

There might be some element of choice


Well-Known Member
Religion and Jesus have nothing to do with what is being asked.
It's funny how you bash that but not answer.
Again take this to another thread to have a balanced discussion if you are capable.

The question is not if you were wrong in your gay feelings or what you and I can remember from birth.
The question you refuse to answer for the 4th time..
Are people born homosexuals with no choice to be heterosexual?
Please answer some where else but... not saying I'm countin' on it.

Did you choose to be heterosexual?


Well-Known Member
Yes I did!
Sucking boners does not appeal to me but I really like to eat pusillanimous women so I choose to be heterosexual.

No, you didn’t.

If you’re into chowing box, you’re into chowing box.

No one had to convince you of that, it never occurred to you to be anything other than what you were, and what you were into was chowing box (good for you).

There’s not a situation where someone would or could convince you to smoke poles.

Never gonna happen.

So, don’t worry about it, you do you, and allow everyone else ‘doing them’ to have the same sexual freedom that you do.

I’m amazed we’re still arguing about this.

Suck or lick or fk whatever you’re into, honestly, who cares?